25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs [First-Hand Experience] (2024)

Minecraft has become popular with its excellent block variety, allowing players to design their homes as they please with walls and other interior decorations. Wall Designs are typically used to decorate homes and other establishments in Minecraft. And with so much variety, players might get confused about how they should design their homes and, therefore, might need assistance with coming up with some of the Best Minecraft Wall Designs.

Important: In order to have one of the best homes in Minecraft, players need to try out different wall designs like modern, medieval, rustic, and even nature-based.

Key Takeaways

  • Wall designs in the game offer diverse options: modern, rustic, nature-based, and more.
  • Modern designs often feature a white/grey palette with quartz and stone blocks.
  • Castle-inspired designs use fortified stone walls.
  • Mossy designs use weathered blocks like mossy cobblestone for a weathered look.
  • Nature-based themes use oak or spruce wood.
  • Floral themes focus on flowers, like sunflowers and potted plants.
  • Use upside-down stairs to create arched walls.
  • Beginner-friendly design relies on fences, gates, trap doors, and basic wood and dirt.
  • Oak tree walls are simple to create, using materials from oak trees.
  • For a cultural touch, consider a Japanese wall design.
  • Ranch wall designs enhance farm aesthetics.

Stone Wall

25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (1)

We have abeautiful stone wallthat players can try out, which can look rustic and perfect for your living room in your home. Players typically want to usestone blockvarieties and stairs that can further elevate their design.

  • To pull this off, players can start by lining a1×3pattern of the stone blocks and making three while leaving a 2-block space between them.
  • After that, to add a little bit of extradepth, players can place it downstairs between the stone pillars and finish off the design with some stone slabs.
  • You can finish off by adding a few potted plants in front.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (2)

Once again, amodern aesthetictakes the win over everything. Players can stay true to one color palette, such as softer whites and greys, to bring out the depth and keep everything minimalistic.

  • Players can start by making a1×3 patternusing smooth quartz blocks, which can be the foundation for your walls.
  • Some slabs can be placed in the middle of the quartz pillars, and players can also place downiron gatesto make it look more interesting and finish the entire thing with some plants and ferns.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (3)

Who doesn’t like a castledesign? When choosing theblock typefor yourcastle-based wall designs in Minecraft, players typically want to go for any type of stone block since castles are depicted as strong benign bases that are rather difficult to break into.

  • You can choose any type of stone, such as basic stone, or even makepillarswith cobblestone and have a different type of variety in there.
  • To add moredepthto the wall and not make it look so plain, players can also try to line the base withstairs, reverse the stairs and place them at the very top.
  • The entire design can be brought together by using some buttons and flowers.

Fortified Design

25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (4)

Let’s move on to look at some of theFortified Best Minecraft Wall Designs. The main block type that players want to choose for this build ispolished andesite, and players want to have a variety between basic blocks and steps.

  • Make the same1×3 pillar with the polished andesite,and make three while leaving a gap between them.
  • Fill in the by placing downstairs between the pillars, and place them opposite each other.
  • Line the top with the stairs too.
  • You can line the back of the wall usingstripped spruce woodand add wooden fences on the top to complete the look.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (5)

Let’s look at a rathergothicdesign that players shouldn’t miss out on. Players want a dark color palette to represent the goth aesthetic, and players can choose between dark wood likedark oak wood, polished slates, and fences.

  • Start by making a 1×3 pattern with dark oak wood to make somepillarsand make three of them.
  • Fill in the space with the slates and line the base with stairs facing opposite each other.
  • On the top of each oak pillar, place down fences.

Mossy Design

25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (6)

Another design palette that players can try out is a nature-themedmossy design. The main reason for choosing this type of wall design is simply because it gives off the vibe that the building was abandoned for ages and was built ages ago, and nature has taken its course.

  • Players can choose from variousstones, such as cobblestones or mossy stones, mossy steps, and more.
  • Line the base of the wall with moss blocks and regular stone blocks, and carry up the pattern.
  • The top of the wall can be lined withslabs to bring the whole thing together. You can also add a few stairs and slabs at the front of the wall.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (7)

Anoak-based designnever hurts anybody! Players can decide to stick to this basic design since it doesn’t require a lot of resources to build, and it is easier to find an oak tree from which you can take the materials.

  • Players can start making1×2 pillars from oak blocks, making three while leaving space in the middle.
  • Add some basic blocks at the bottom and line fences on top of it.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (8)

To make it seem like your house belongs in a village, or if you simply want to fit in with an existing village. Players can choose to use anything woody, such asspruce logs,

  • Players want to start the entire wall design by lining a1×4 pillarwith the spruce logs, and you can continue to make a total of 3 or 4 of the pillars as you wish.
  • On the second block, line another spruce block, and connect the tops with fences.
  • On the very top, players want to line some basic slabs which provide shade and protection; more slabs and stairs can be used to add depth.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (9)

Moving forward, the next design I would like to look at is with loads of hedges. While the entire wall will not be focused on hedges, players can also use different types of wood to complete the look.

  • Players can line theedgesof the wall with wood such as oak, spruce, or any other wood.
  • In the middle, players can make a2×2 patternwith leaves such asazalea leaves or any other types of leaves, ensuring to leave a space is empty.
  • Fill that space with fences, then place down buttons on the very edges of the walls.

Evil Look

25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (10)

As for anevil wall look, players typically want to go for a grungier, darker color palette and use shades of blacks, greys, and nothing else. For this build, players can stick to either one type of darker block, or you can go all out and make a combo, but for this one, players can go for the deep-slate blocks.

  • Line them up to make a1×4 pillar with the regular deep slate blocks and make three of them.
  • Make sure to leave a block space in the middle.
  • You can add spikes on the top, and then to finish off the look, players can combine a mixture ofslabsand stairs in the middle and on either side of the wall.

Weathered Look

25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (11)

If you’re more into outdated,weathered looks, this one might outshine the others for players. To achieve this look, players will want to typically range from using any type of stone but typically go for stones that give a worn-out, weathered look, such as regular stones,mossy stones, cracked stones, etc.

  • Line the first row of blocks with mossy blocks, regular andcracked blocks, and then leave a gap when you start your second row.
  • Addslabsand stairs to give it a “broken-down look.”


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (12)

If any players areinspired by Japanese architecture, they can also mimic the design in their game. Players can look up for inspiration and use stones like mossy stones, regular stones, wood,door traps, and different textured and colored stones at the top.

  • Make a 1×3 pillar with blocks and fill the space with regular and mossy stones.
  • Line the top and middle with fences since it combines the whole piece pretty well, and cover the top with trap doors.
  • Players can place down anycontrasting blockthey like on the very top.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (13)

As for apalisade-inspired design, which focuses mostly on placing spikes at the top of the logs that are being used, it combines the stone and nature elements pretty well. For the build, players can use blocks like chiseled blocks, any kind of wood, and fences at the top.

  • Place down fourchiseled blocksat the bottom, then make a 1×3 pillar with any kind of woodblock you might like and line it up in the space between the chiseled blocks.
  • You can also add stonestairsto give the wall more depth.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (14)

For a ratherbeginner-friendly Wall Design, players can take inspiration from thefence-centric designhere.

  • To start things out, players can line the base withchiseled blocks but ensure that they leave space in between about two blocks worth.
  • Place more stone in the middle, then line the second row withfences and gates.
  • Players can also put down buttons on the chiseled blocks for some dimension anddepth, which ties everything together.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (15)

If there are players who want to clash the combination of keeping the wall modern and aesthetic but also mixing in elements ofnature, then this one might just be it. Players can stick with their white color palette, use blocks like quartz and quartz slabs, and then use iron gates and sunflowers.

  • Start by making a1×2 pillarusing blocks, then place down some basic slabs on the top to add some depth.
  • Fill the middle space with iron gates, and then players can line the front of the wall with sunflowers and regular flowers.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (16)

For absolutecity-lovers, Minecraft doesn’t ever lack in presenting players with the best options out there. Players can use blocks like regular stone blocks and stairs.

  • To start, players can make a large wall with only basicstone blocks, and the main reason why the wall is so big is simply that it needs to be able to protect your city.
  • Add stairs to the front of theblock at the top, then place down slabs on each corner and the very middle of the stairs.
  • Players can also usetrap doors, making your wall look more intimidating.
  • Spruce fences can be used as windows.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (17)

For a ratherfancier look, players can use blocks that are on the simpler side but arrange them in such a way as to give off the look of their wall being incredibly fancy. Players can use walls, stairs, leaves, and trap doors.

  • For thestairs, players want to arrange it going from the top down and repeating the pattern all around.
  • You can also leave a block space forplacing down leavesand add twotrap doorsat the top.
  • To light everything up, you can use lanterns to illuminate the entire piece.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (18)

Most players would typically want to stick with the nature theme for their wall builds, so to continue with that pattern, players can usestripped wood, trap doors, fences, and slabs.

  • Start the entire design by making a1×3 pillarwith stripped wood, and for this one, players can choose a really deep orange/red color, and players need to make three of those.
  • Line the space’s middle with stairs, then place down a fewfencesin the middle, or gates can be used too. Place down slabs at the top, and finish the entire look usingtrap doorson each pillar.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (19)

Players can go for an azalea-themed build as well, and for that, players can stick to usingmud bricksas they did for a bit of the last build.

  • Start the build-out by usingmud brick wallsand using only one of each and lining them up so that there is a bit of space between each one.
  • Place downazalea leavesin the middle, but only use one block for each space.
  • You can usespruce fencesand basic gates and trap doors to tie it all together!


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (20)

Moving on, the next type ofBest Minecraft Wall Designsthat players can try out are desert-themed. Most of these will be centric toward white, off-white, and sandy color palettes.

  • Players can start by lining the base with any kind ofsandstoneand leaving a space to fill in with any other kind of lighter-colored block.
  • To add somedimension, players can go ahead and place down afenceand a gate in the middle if they want to. Trap doors can also line the roof to complete the look.

Futuristic Theme

25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (21)

While this theme isn’t fully centric on afuturistic theme, it does combine the element of modernity and futuristic aspects pretty well. Players can use blocks like deep slateas well as quartz to bring the two elements together.

  • Make a1×3 pillar using deep slate as your block of choice; make three, and leave two blocks worth of space between each pillar. Line each pillar’s top with a deep slate slab.
  • In the middle, you can place quartz stairs upside down to create even more depth and add iron grates.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (22)

Spruce woodhas to be one of the easiest design choices to go for, and stripped spruce wood can make for a solid foundation for a wall. Here, players can use stripped wood, as well as stairs and slabs.

  • Start off by making a1×4 pillarwith stripped wood and make three of them, once again making sure to leave some space in the middle.
  • Line the top with slabs, place them downstairs and also palace them upside down, and addtrap doorsto each side of the pillar.
  • On the top of the wall, players can addoak trap doorsto bring a pop of color.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (23)

One of themain reasonswhy this design choice is calledexpensiveis simply because of the fact that if players decide to build it in survival, it can get hefty on your resource materials. Players can use stripped wood, slabs, andanvils.

  • Make1×2 pillarsof wood, and then line the top with wooden slabs. Make sure to leave two blocks worth of gap in between each pillar that you make.
  • Place downanvilsin the space, and then place down basic slabs on the top of the anvils.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (24)

Anarched wall in Minecraftalways looks pretty fancy, and it doesn’t always have to be resource intensive. For this build, players can choose to go for blocks like chiseled stone,regular stone, stairs, and slabs.

  • Line the bottom with chiseled stone and leave space in between.
  • Make1×3 pillarsof other blocks, and in order to make the arches, players need to usestairs and line them upside down, facing away from each other, to make thearch design.
  • You can add flowers in the middle to add color.


25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs[First-Hand Experience] (25)

If you’re running a farm and want to build off some walls in order to stop your livestock fromescaping, then theranch-wall designcan definitely help players out. For this build, players can try to use logs, as well as trap doors, wood gates, and wood fences.

  • Make1×2 pillarswith some wood, and then line the top with trap doors and leave some gaps in the middle.
  • Place downwooden fencesin the middle, and then you can place down gates in order to complete the look.

And with that these are all of the designs that players can try out for their walls, and with that, I will wrap up my Best Minecraft Wall Designs guide. When you’re fighting creepers and skeletons in Minecraft and need stronger shields, you might want to read up on our Best Shield Enchantments guide since it goes in-depth about the enchantments that you can try out! Alongside that, whenever you’re in a dungeon, you need to have your hands on some of the Minecraft Dungeons Best Armors. Therefore, our guide might be helpful to you!

While you’re here, why not check out our Best Weaponsguide, which covers all types of weapons and which ones might be the most useful!

Up Next:

  • Cool Minecraft Houses
  • Minecraft Cottage
  • Minecraft Decoration Ideas
  • Minecraft Barn Ideas

Image And Design Inspiration: CryptoZoology on Youtube

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pls nether walls as well

25 BEST Minecraft Wall Designs [First-Hand Experience] (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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