Stay on Track for Graduation with the Updated DegreeWorks
DegreeWorks, CUNY’s degree audit and advisem*nt tool, has been upgraded. You will notice a significantly different look and feel in this updated version. The updated version is much simpler and more streamlined, with additional features you will appreciate. However, the basic functions of Degree Works remain much the same. The updated user interface provides navigation and accessibility improvements and incorporates a visual card design and automatically scales and arranges card contents to fit the device display in use.
How do I access Degreeworks?
Student can access DegreeWorks using one of the following methods:
- DegreeWorks link in the CUNYfirst
- Sign In To DegreeWorks here
- College’s web site DegreeWorks link
Viewing a Student DegreeWorks Record
You may search for a student record by entering the EMPLID and hitting “Enter” key on your keyboard.
Advanced Search:
Locating a student record is easy via the advanced search, just click the “Advanced search” button and enter the student’s EMPLID or name. You may also search by selecting the degree, major, concentration, etc.
Degree Requirements Section
This section provides a summary of the degree requirements as well as the overall credits required to graduate.
CUNY Skills Assessment
This section displays the status of the Skills Assessment Requirements.
Pathways-General Education Requirements
General Education or Pathways requirements will display based upon the year of entry into your CUNY school. For details regarding the pathways requirements contact a DegreeWorks liaison/advisor on your campus.
NOTE: If a student holds a prior degree (AA, AS or Baccalaureate) general education/pathways requirements are waived and the following section will not appear in the audit.
College Option Section
The College Option section shows the college specific requirements that you need to fulfill for your degree. The number of College Option credits is 6, 9, or 12, depending upon the number of transfer credits and whether or not an associate degree has been earned.
NOTE: If a student holds a prior baccalaureate degree, the college option requirements are waived and the following section will not appear in the audit.
Major Requirements Section
The major requirements section lists the specific courses that are required to complete a major.
Elective Classes Allowed
This section shows elective classes that may be used toward the completion of the degree.
Elective Classes NOT Allowed (This section impacts Financial Aid)
This section is very important in DegreeWorks because it impacts financial aid and therefore the TAP award. The courses in this category are not required toward the degree, according to the curriculum of record, and will therefore trigger a course ineligibility flag in the Financial Aid Certification & Tracking System (FACTS) for financial aid.
NOTE: Each semester please ensure that the course(s) “In-progress” do not fall into this section. If any course(s) a student iscurrently enrolled in falls into the “Elective Classes Not Allowed” section of the audit, the student must contact a DegreeWorks liaison on their campus in order to reconcile.
Insufficient/Non-Contributing Grades and Pending Permit Courses
This section is a good way to quickly see failed, withdrawn, and repeated courses.
This section shows the classes that are currently in progress.
How do I print DegreeWorks audit?
Press the printer button in the upper right hand corner of the audit. A new window will open, select dimensions and press “Open PDF“. Once you press “Open PDF” a new window will open where you will be given a choice to either save or print an audit.
Types of Exceptions
Exception Type | Description |
Substitute | Substitute one course for another. A substitution can be applied either before or after the alternate course is taken. |
Also Allow | Used when you wish to expand the course options available for a specific requirement. In many instances this may be a better option than using the “Substitute” exception. Also Allow can be applied before or after the alternate course is taken. |
Apply Here | Used when you need to move a course from one area of the audit to another. Apply Here can be applied before or after the alternate course is taken. |
Force Complete | Forces a requirement to be met when there is no alternate course available for selection. May need to be used in combination with “Remove Course and/or Change Limit” in order to modify total credits. |
Remove Course and/or Change Limit | Used for partially completed requirements. Similar to a “Force Complete” exception, one or more additional exceptions may be required if credits are modified (either up or down). |
How to Add an Exception?
Access to Exceptions Tab
Once the student record is loaded, click on the Exception tab located on the navigation bar.
Expand the section of the audit that includes the course or rule you wish you modify. Select the the specific requirement/rule and click on the “+” button as demonstrated below:
Types of Exception Usage
You may select the exception of choice by using the pull down menu. Below is the demonstration of each exception type.
Exception Type – Substitute
Input the course acronym and number that you want to replace, and then the acronym and number of the course that it will be replaced with. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.
Exception Type – Also Allow
Input the subject (course acronym) and number that you plan to “Also Allow” to be applied to expand the program requirement. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.
Exception Type – Apply Here
Input the course acronym and number that you plan to “Apply Here” in order to meet to a requirement. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.
Exception Type – Force Complete
Use the “Force Complete” exemption type to force a requirement complete or to waive a requirement. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.
Exception Type – Remove Course/Change Limit
Input the course acronym and number into the “Remove Subject” boxes and/or “Change Limit To” boxes. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.
How to Remove an Exception?
There are two ways to remove an exception.
Option 1: Click the Exceptions tab on the top navigation bar and scroll to the section where you made the exception. Once you have located the exception, click on the delete button as shown below.
Option 2: In the Exceptions tab scroll down to the button of the audit to the Exceptions card. Click on the radio button in order to select the exception(s). Once you have selected the exception(s) click on the delete button located on the top right corner as shown below.
How to add notes?
When you are in a student’s degree audit and want to add a note (if you have access) please use the following instructions:
1. When in the degree audit, please click on the three dots highlighted and then click on notes
2. Once you click on notes the screen shot below will show up and then select on the blue button that says “ADD A NEW NOTE”.
3. Once you select “ADD A NEW NOTE” the screenshot below will appear, and you can either add predefined notes option from the dropdown or type in a note of your own. Once you write the note click on “SAVE NOTE” and it will appear on bottom of the degree audit. It is recommended that there is a common notes verbiage being used when adding notes.