Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (2024)

You don’t have to spend tons of time or money on thebest all natural deodorant. This Homemade Deodorant Recipe is very simple to make and you know exactly what is in it. No complicated ingredients or harsh chemicals.

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (1)

Homemade Deodorant Recipe

We are transitioning to more and more natural products. It feels so good to add this Homemade Deodorant Recipe to the list of items we are making at home. It’s been a gradual process and we have loved everything we have made.

We recently learned how to make Clarifying Shampoo and how to makeAll Natural Cocoa Lip Balm.It feels so good to add another all natural product to my list of things our family is using now.

Not only do I feel better knowing exactly what my family is using but we are also saving money! It’s a win all around. If you have read the ingredients lately on deodorant or other products you use daily, it’s overwhelming.

Check out this video to see how to make Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe!

Some of those words you can’t even pronounce. I have such peace of mind knowing my family is using all natural products. No worries about harsh chemicals!

It’s so much cheaper to make your own natural products instead of buying them. I love being able to control exactly what goes into each and every product we make.

My goal is to make nearly everything at home. I have a list of things I want to try and I tackle a new product as I have time. The Honey Body Wash was a hit all around!

I have yet to make anything that was a flop. So far everything has been really simple to make, cost effective and all family members have been pleased.

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (2)

How to make homemade deodorant?

This was SUPER EASY to make! I used an old solid deodorant container and it worked out really well. However, you can also buy empty containers on Amazon.

They come in all shapes and sizes depending on what you like. They also have some sets that come with labels and such. So handy! I like buying a set because we are always making something.

When it’s time to make more, I can just grab one of the containers and get started. It saves time and money by keeping these on hand.

When you use this deodorant it feels “wet.” It’s not wet in the tube but since it’s coconut oil your body temperature heats it up very quickly and when you put it under your arms, it’s initially wet.

It dries very quickly. So I’d put it on, let it dry and then get dressed. Otherwise you may risk it getting on your clothing. It sort of reminds me of the roll on deodorant that applies wet and then dries.

For essential oil recommendations I’d go with an anti fungal essential oil such as tea tree oil. You could also try something like lavender essential oil which is skin soothing. Essential oils have so many wonderful uses.

We are learning more every day and using more and more of these oils. You can find6 Amazing Essential Oil Blends for Allergiesand evenEssential Oils for Hair Growth!

It’s amazing all these little essential oils can do!

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (3)

It’s so simple to make this Coconut Oil Deodorant!

You are going to love how quick and easy this. You will have all natural deodorant in no time at all! I wondered at first if it might be more trouble than it was worth!

However, it truly was incredibly simple. It looks like “real” deodorant and works great too.

Why is arrowroot powder used in deodorant?

Arrowroot powder helps to absorb moisture. This is the ingredient that helps to keep you dry. Don’t leave this out. 🙂

What can you use as a substitute for deodorant?

You can substitute baking soda or corn starch for deodorant. Many people use one or the other or mix them together. You can certainly try this but I find it easier to use in a traditional stick deodorant.

It’s not as messy and goes on better I think. Of course, do what works for you!

Once you learn how to make deodorant, you will make it all the time!

Our family is saving so much money by making this all natural deodorant. It’s amazing how much you can make for very little money! The savings really add up.

It seems with each new product we incorporate into our daily routine, we also add more savings. It’s awesome to not only be able to give your family something natural to use but save money at the same time!

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (4)

Let’s make the Best All Natural deodorant!

You are going to be so surprised just how easy this is! Really! It does not take hardly any time to make! Plus, the ingredients are very simple.

With only a few ingredients, you will be making deodorant at home in no time at all!

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (5)

Ingredients forhomemade deodorantstick:

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (6)

How to make All Natural Deodorantrecipe:

1. Place shea butter and coconut oil in a measuring cup with a spout and microwave on high for 30 seconds. Stir. Return to microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute, stirring after each 20 second interval until mixture is completely melted.

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (7)
Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (8)

2. Stir in baking soda and arrowroot powder. Mix well. Add essential oils. You’ll need about 3 drops of each one. Mix well.

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (9)
Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (10)
Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (11)

3. Pour into deodorant container. Place top on container and place in refrigerator to set. After 2 hours, remove from fridge and use as you would normal deodorant.

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (12)
Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (13)
Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (14)
Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (15)

It’s that simple to make Homemade deodorant with coconut oil!

Simple, easy, inexpensive and works great! What more can you want in a deodorant?! It’s a great product all around.

Life is so busy and it seems we are always running somewhere. I don’t have a lot of time to do complicated projects or money for expensive DIY ideas.

I was really pleased with how quick and easy this was. Now that we know how to make deodorant, it’s something we will do all the time instead of running to the store.

Once we tried it, we quickly realized this homemade deodorant worked great!

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (16)

Give this homemade deodorantfor sensitive skin a try and let us know what you think!

I really think your entire family will love this deodorant. It was simple to make and now on our regular rotation of natural items we create around here.

No need to run to the store when you can make your own deodorant at home. This is such a great item and I’m so glad we tried it.

Let us know what you think once you try it!

Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (17)

Try these other natural ideas:

  • Honey Body Wash
  • The Best Natural Dandruff Shampoo
  • 6 Amazing Essential Oil Blends for Allergies
  • All Natural Cocoa Lip Balm
  • Essential Oils for Hair Growth
  • The Best Natural Dandruff Shampoo
  • 25 of the Best Natural Moisturizers
  • Homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub
  • Brown Sugar DIY Body Scrub
  • DIY Shaving Cream for Women
  • 10 Uses for Vinegar to help save you money
  • 20 of the Best Natural Moisturizer Ideas
  • How to make makeup remover wipes
Easy Homemade Deodorant Recipe (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.