Tarrytown Daily News from Tarrytown, New York (2024)

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Tarrytown Daily Newsi

Tarrytown, New York

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td Gannett Westchester Newspapers niiiiianMinc A Jb TR SectionA Thursday May 6 1982 VDltUarieS Jurors meet a Pcath nwt8ccs WASHINGTON (AP) Even before the first defense witness testifies about John mind jurors are getting to know him as a self styled in love with Jodie oster and awed by Adolf Hitler rom handwritten essays poems and postcards the jury learned Wednesday that the man who shot President Reagan consid ered himself both a Christian and a Nazi that he thought Miss oster misunderstood him that he believed Hitler was misunderstood by the world writings were submitted as evidence Wednesday by prosecutors trying to prove Hinckley was sane when he shot Rea gan and three others March 30 1981 DEMAND Defense witnesses including parents were ready to begin testifying today that the defendant was insane undated papers were seized from his $300000 home in a Denver suburb and from Room 312 of the Park Central Hotel in Washington where he made final plans to impress Miss oster by killing a president have become what I wanted to be all along a psychopathic Hinckley wrote in Painful one of 38 pages of writings seized from the hotel room At least two poems are addressed to Miss oster the movie star with whom Hinckley carried on a one sided love affair He tele RESCUE phoned her twice and left letters under her dormitory door at Yale She told him to leave her alone squirms and pretends not to he wrote in Thing Called swear the end is very near Right here is a good place to start Your heart shall forget how to beat How sweet is this thing called And in please watch over me and protect me Have me do your will in this life of mine I repent for my sins and ask your forgiveness And I humbly ask all of this in your name In one of the essays submitted to the jury of 1 1 blacks and one white Hinckley express ed strong prejudice against blacks and Jews Continued from page one though no formal complaint has been filed with the state office of Housing and Community Renewal which approved the rent increase In a certiorari action filed against the village last month the Van Tassel Tarrytown Co of New York City asked that the assessment for the block long apartment building the privately owned Teresa Street and a nearby auto garage be reduced from $440000 to $43000 In a copy of the suit filed with the village the company cites section 512 of the state real property tax law as basis for the suit That section stipulates that a property owner may appeal assessment of his property if it is by reason of inequality and over No other explanation is given According to village officials the Van Tassel suit rests on the argument that its property is over as sessed in comparison to other property in the village No spokesman for the management company is available for comment this week according to Roger Miller manager of the apartment house Mayor Philip Zegarelli labeled the proposed reduc tion and vowed the village would oppose it In 1978 a similar action was filed by the management company and the courts awarded the company a $55 205 refund for taxes paid between 1975 and 1978 Last year a certiorari action was also filed against the Town of Mount Pleasant That case is expected to go to court soon Village Attorney Robert Ponzini said Wednesday he expected to approach the town and the Tarrytown school district about sharing the cost of opposing the suit Aside from court fees a second independent appraisal of the property must be made he said If the reduction is allowed in its entirety the school district would lose approximately $70000 in revenue for the year according to Asst Superintendent for inance Howard Pordy The village would stand to lose about $28000 this year According to notices received by tenants of rent controlled apartments last week their rent will in crease by 15 percent in July and again by 15 percent in July of 1983 The increase applies to approximately 70 apartments that are still covered under an emer Continued from page one safely but became frightened and ran home Biro and fishing companions Cappel lo Vadala and Taft were crossing the Croton Harmon railroad trestle on their way to try the Croton waters for stripers when they heard cry for help After attempts to toss John a line made by tying their shirts together failed Biro swam 60 yards in the strong current to reach the boy He handed the lad up to Capello who was dangling head down from the trestle while the others held his feet He passed the boy up to Vadala and Taft A man at edge called Croton police and the boy was taken home before the rescuers could learn the name Biro later called Croton police and asked who the youngster was and could learn only that his last name was Hughes and that he lived somewhere in Croton ville picked up my newspaper last Mrs Harvey said Wednesday afternoon I read the words ton and year old and thought no could that be I read the story I realized how serious it was and what had happened All my neighbors have been telling me about it All Mrs Harvey knew was that a black and white patrol car pulled up to her house Sunday and a police officer brought in a wet and shivering John The policeman told her to give him a warm bath and said to her son almost MOON Mrs Harvey said "Johnny want to get near any more water so he just washed The clothes went right into the washer they smelled so bad All he told me about the rescue was he had fallen in the water and a man pulled him Later said Mrs Harvey heard him get on the telephone to his friend and say this is your ex friend John not going to hang around with you John is a sixth grade student at Anne Dorner Middle School in Ossining He has an older sister Kathy 17 a brother Jimmy 13 and a little sister Melissa Harvey 3 been told a million times not to go near the water without an adult said Mrs Harvey came from California and he has learned to swim but only in a pool He is not used to strong At one point the men on the bridge who pulled John to safety had to scurry for cover as a train approached only scary part was when the train came it missed us by four inches not four said Vadala The men hung on an outside girder they said one train glad I said Taft When an onlooker told Biro responsible for him now the for the rest of your Biro looked at John and said that case better lock him up right Mrs Harvey watched as the men kidded with John and said is my Day said Mrs Har imagine how I would have felt if he been gency tenant protection law dating to 1944 according to a tenant spokesman who asked not to be identified Because North Tarrytown has not adopted the Emergency Tenant Protection Act (ETPA) the re maining apartments are not protected by any rent guidelines As leases expire in those apartments rents have been increased by as much as 50 percent the tenant spokesman said Wednesday The increase for the rent controlled apartments was approved by the state housing office last month based on economic data for Westchester County ac cording to the local rent administrator Geraldine Waggoner That data showed that expenses of operating an apartment building in the county have risen sub stantially" over the past two years and that the 30 percent increase granted to Van Tassel Ms Waggoner said One recourse tenants have against the increased rents is to show that essential services are not being provided and moves toward that end have already begun Approximately 30 Var Tassel tenants appeared Continued from page because it decided that the controversial church was too with politi cal to qualify as a religious organization The Court of Appeals today accused other courts of using legal in upholding the tax commis findings It said Unification had demon that it is a church and that its Greenburgh including ex tensive holdings in the vil lages of Tarrytown and Irvington Moon lives on a 25 acre estate in Ir vington The church bought the old 98 acre Ce nacle estate in New Castle and the Belvedere estate in Tarrytown Nowhere in the county has it been a welcome neighbor The church paid prop erty taxes in the 1970s but stopped after filing suit to have its property declared tax exempt and to recover suit to recover nearly $200000 in back taxes Tarrytown settled out of court and collected all the taxes the church owed for 1980 The church still owes $40000 in 1981 prop erty taxes' to Tarrytown and $18313 to Irvington Mary Wood Cramer a pioneer woman banker and longtime civic worker at village board meeting to complain of building code violations in the complex which is more than 50 years old If serious viloations are found and not corrected within 60 days a landlord may forfeit his right to increase rents Ms Waggoner said A large reduction in assessem*nt and therefore in the taxes a landlord pays may also prompt a review of rent increases she said According to village building code enforcer Victor Page his office received a written complaint of violations Wednesday morning from the tenants asso ciation The complaint has been referred to village prosecutor John Tucciarone Page said he expected to inspect the building either today or tommorrow Building manager Miller said Wednesday he had not been informed of any complaints far as we know there are no code he said SUIT Continued from page one Robert Reilly and Susan Reilly Charles Agosto Jr and Mercedes Agosto all residents of property purchased from Roland Stearns and the village of Irvington At a press conference Monday Dinan said he bought the property east of the high school in 1978 with the understanding he could use the high school road Since buying the property he said he has been shuttled from board to board to find an access accepta ble to all concerned parties Dinan said the suit is being filed we have no alternative than to establish very firmly that we do have access up that school The school board contends traffic to and from the planned development of 60 housing units through the high school campus would be dangerous to students The board argues the proposed development could be reached via Riverview Road and Peter Bont Road Riverview in October 1981 agreed to use a road to be built by Berco a developer of the 103 acre Rutter property adjacent to Rockholme and south of the high school and would pay Berco $262000 our agreement depended upon speedy Dinan said Monday Corrections The policy of The Daily News is to correct all errors of fact in the news columns as soon as possible Errors in news stories should be called to the attention of Audrey Brown managing edi tor at 941 2945 beliefs and are five years of taxes paid to aspects of its Greenburgh The church religious doctrine and pro dropped the suit when the court ordered that it had to put Moon on the stand Unification owns 409 acres in the Town of Greenburgh then filed CEASE IRE Continued from page one conflict over the British island colony Argentina seized April 2 But it said it willing to negotiate a peaceful and the intervention of the United Nations either through its secretary general or Securi ty Council or the combined action of both because it considers it to be the most appropriate channel at this Perez de Cuellar said he considered the Argentine response and hoped for a positive British reaction He told reporters at UN headquarters in New York he was little optimistic too The Argentine statement did not list any conditions for a cease fire or for a permanent settlement Argen tina previously insisted that Britain recognize its sovereignty over the islands before evacuation of the troops while the British demanded that the wishes of the 1800 pro British alkland islanders be considered in determining sovereignty Perez de Cuellar refused to make public his peace plan but informed sources said it included a cease fire withdrawal of Argentine and British forces from the alklands area and appointment of a UN administra tor for the islands while negotiations resume to deter mine their future The plan reportedly takes no position on the thorny sovereignty issue Argentina struck the last blow in the fighting on Tuesday when one of its planes fired a missile that set fire to the British destroyer Sheffield forcing its crew to abandon ship Police file North Tarrytown police arrested a 36 year old Ossining man early today and charged him with driving while intoxicated Arrested at 12:30 am was Carlos Cano of 14 Maple Place He was released after posting $250 bail and is scheduled to appear in court May 13 LARCENY A representative of Brannigan Real ty in North Tarrytown reported Wednesday that a sign in front of a home at 8 Lakeview Ave was stolen police said WINDOW BROKEN Police report that a rock was thrown through a window at Sleepy Hollow High School overnight in Tarrytown died Wednesday at Greene County Memorial Hospi tal where she was rushed after a heart attack at her home on Goshen Street in Jewett NY or 28 years before her retirement in 1971 Mrs Cramer served as secre tary and vice president of the Westchester County Savings Bank of Tarry town At the time of her promotion to those posts in 1943 she was one of only a few women to achieve such status in a business traditionally dominated by men She was born in Tarry town Jan 9 1901 the daughter of Charles A and Hortence Ganung Wood She was graduated from Washington Irving High School in Tarrytown and attended Columbia Uni versity School of Business After working at the Avenue Bank in New York City as a stenog rapher she began with the Westchester County Sav ings in 1929 as a clerk a position she filled until she was named secretary and vice president She retired from the bank in 1971 after 42 years Through a series of mergers the Westchester County Savings Banks be came the Peoples West chester Savings Bank' Mrs Cramer came to the banking business natu rally since her father was once secretary of the Westchester County Sav ings Bank Mrs Cramer was born and reared in ARNDT rank on Monday May 3 1982 in Avon Park la or' merly of White Plains In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Resurrection Lu theran Church East Main St Avon Park la BOYD Thomas (TJ) on May 2 1982 Beloved father of Mrs Cynthia Watts Devoted son of Mrs Josephine Boyd Dear brother of Mrs Rose Mary Wil liams Miss Christine Boyd Mrs Leona Gilmore Arthur and John Boyd Grandfather of rederick Watts Reposing' UAKNtT ML ULANAMAN UNERAL HOME Visiting Wed 7 9 pm Thurs 12 5 and 7 9 pm uneral riday 1 pm Mt Carmel AME Church 78 Grove Ave New Rochelle Rev Har old Rutherford Pastor Inter ment Beechwoods amily to receive friends Thursday 7 9 pm at uneral Home other times 67 Remington PI New Rochelle BOYD Thomas' Members of Xenia Lodge 50 Prince Hall are requested to assemble at 7:30 pm at Barney McClanahan une ral Home 30 Win throp Ave New Rochelle NY for the funeral services of our late brother Thomas Boyd Rudolph Majors Worshipful Master John Bartee Secretary CONSIDINE John on May 5 1982 Beloved husband of the late Marion Dear brother of Mrs Joseph (Mary) Patten Mrs John (Elizabeth) McCar thy Thomas and Stephen Con sidine and Mrs John (Bridie) Considine of County Clare Ire land and the late Mrs John (Margaret M) Grace Michael and Patrick Considine Also survived by numerous nieces and nephews and grand nieces and nephews Reposing at the MCMAHON LYONS AND HARTNETT UNERAL HOME 491 Mamaroneck Ave White Plains Mass of Chrlsitan Buri al Sat 11 am St John's Church Interment Mount Cal vary's Cemetery Visiting hours Thurs 7 9 pm and ri 2 4 and 7 9 pm COSTELLO Thomas On May 5 1982 Beloved husband of Barbara (Jakubowski) Costel lo ather of Thomas Jr Mar ia Adrian Kirsten and the late Jonathan Beloved son of Alma and the late Thomas Costello Brother of Mary Hoddinott riends may call at the Costello home 34 Overlook Rd New Rochelle Thurs 7 9:30 pm and ri 2 5 and 7 9:30 pm Mass of Christian Burial Holy amily Church Sat 9:45 am Interment St Peter's Cemetery CRAMER Mary May 5 1982 of Jewett formerly of Tarry town Mother of Henry Cramer and sister of lorence Kelsey uneral services will be held at 11 am riday May 7 at the Chapel of Sleepy Hollow Ceme tery Tarrytown Arrange ments by Decker uneral Home Windham NY D'EUEMIA rank on May 5 1982 of 173 12 Cortlandt St Tarrytown Beloved father of Maurice and the ate Joseph D'Eufemia Antoinette D'Eufe mia Rose Barton Catherine Abbate Gloria and Rita D'Eu femia Also survived by 14 grandchildren 37 great grand children 6 great great grand children Reposing COEY UNERAL HOME INC 91 Broadway Tarrytown uneral Mass riday 10 am Immacu late Conception Church Inter ment Sleepy Hollow Cemetery riends may call Wednesday 7 9 pm and Thursday 2 4 and 7 9 pm D'EUEMIA rank Officers and Members of Rescue Hose Company No 1 are requested to assemble at Coffey uneral Home 7:30 pm Thursday (to day) to pay respects to Life Associate Member rank D'Eufemia Chief Bosselli Pres Windas Cap Ranieri Jr GIANNOTTI Phyllis on May 4 ivbz of Larcnmont NY Moth er of Guy and Vivienne Abel Also survived by 3 grand children Mark Valerie and Olivia Memorial services will be held at the Larchmont Ave nue Church Larchmont NY riday evening 7:30 pm GUARNIERI John of Yonkers on may 4 ivbz oeioveo nusoano of the late Mary (nee Chirichel la) Devoted brother of Mrs Anthony (Rose) Mazzochi and james Guarnieri Also survived by several nieces and nephews Reposing at THE WHALEN BALL UNERAL HOME INC 168 Park Ave (corner Glen wood) Mass of Christian Burial St Anthonys Church (Nepera Park) on riday May 7 at 10 am Interment St Raymonds Cemetery visiting hours Wed 7 9 pm and Thursday 2 4 and 7 9 pm KIEER Doris Carlson of Chap paqua NY ormerly of Lyn nfield Mass Died May 4 1982 Survived by her mother Mar jorie Carlson sister Blair Gor don husband Robert children David and Carolyn Kiefer Visiting at BEECHER UNERAL HOME Pleasant ville NY riday May 7 2:30 4:30 and 7 9 pm Services May 8 10:30 am Cathedral of the Incarnation Garden City NY Remembrance by Masses or donations to Columbia Pres byterian Medical Center Doris Kiefer Cancer und MACDONALD Anne Elizabeth of Bronxville NY on May 5 1982 Wife of the late William Mother of William Jr Brian and the late Patricia Anne McDonald Sister of Alyce Crookston Also surviving are 7 grandchildren Calling hours at the red McGrath and Sori uneral Home Bronxville be tween the hours of 7 to 9 Thurs day 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 riday Mass of Christian Burial St Joseph Church Bronxville on Saturday May 8 at 11 am MESSMAN Henry on May 4 1982 of Larchmont NY Hus band of the late Joyce Beloved father of Nancy Irene and Lau rie Jean Brother of Roger Ar thur and Peggy Ruth The family will receive friends at JOHN OX UNERAL HOME INC Larchmont NY on Thurs 2 4 and 7 9 pm Mass of Chrisitan Burial Sts John and Paul Church Larchmont ri day 10 am MORAN Charles on May 5 1982 Reposing at the MC MAHON LYON AND HARTNETT UNE RAL HOME 491 Mamaroneck Ave White Plains Mass of Christian Burial Sat 10 am St John's Church interment Mt Calvary Cemetery Visiting hours Thurs and ri 2 4 and 7 9 pm OAKLEY Ellen of Mahopac NY on May 4 1982 84 years Wife of the late Harry Oakley Beloved mother of Ernest Oakley of Mahopac Grand mother of 2 great grandmoth er of 1 uneral service riday 1:30 pm at the CARGAIN BAR BER UNERAL HOME Rte 6 Mahopac NY Interment Ray mond Hill Cemetery Carmel NY riends may call Thurs 2 4 and 7 9 pm Obituaries Mary Cramer the bank building at 2 Broadway in quarters re served for the bank secre tary When Mrs Cramer be came secretary of the bank she moved back into those quarters and lived there until she left Tarry town in 1971 The build ing recently designated a village historic landmark now houses a branch of the Peoples Westchester Savings Bank Throughout her life Mrs Cramer was active in community and banking affairs She served as a director of the Sleepy Hol low Chamber of Com merce Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and United und of Westchester County She was the first wom en president of the Com munity Chest of the Tarrytowns She was also a director of the Westchester County Council of Social Agen cies and was a member of Westchester County Real ty Board Mrs Cramer was also a charter member presi dent and director of the Soroptimist International Club of Hudson Valley and a member of the Na tional Association of Bank Women and of Savings Bank Women of New York State In 1971 Mrs Cramer moved to a 225 acre fami ly farm in the Catskills The move allowed her to pursue two passions col lecting antiques and at tending horse shows Mrs Cramer is survived by a son Henry Cram er of Kingston two sis ters Mrs lorence Kelsey of Jewett and Mrs Mabie Naft of New York City two grandsons Arthur Cramer of Saugerties and Robert Cramer of Albany and two great grandchil dren Marc Anthony and Melissa Cramer A funeral service will be held at 11 am riday at the Sleepy Hollow Cem etery chapel In 'lieu of flowers contributions may be sent to American Cancer Society Edythe Rickey Edythe Rickey 84 of 541 Valley Hoad Ox ford NJ mother of a North Tarrytown resident died Tuesday at Commu nity Hospital Hacketts town NJ Born in New York City Mrs Rickey was the daughter of the late Har vey and Della Doane Karr She was a former secre tary for the Valhalla School District and a member of the New York State Government Em ployees Association Mrs Rickey was a resi dent of Hawthorne from 1923 to 1968 when she moved to New Jersey Survivors are her hus band Edward Rickey of the home address three daughters Mrs Nancy Thorpe of Red Bank NJ Mrs Mildred Ottman of North Tarrytown and Mrs Edythe of Hilo Hawaii seven grandchil dren and three great grandchildren ORLANDO Michael on May 4 1982 Reposing at the MC MA HON LYON HARTNETT NERAL HOME 491 Mamaroneck Ave White Plains Service riday 11 am White Plains Presbyterian Church Interment Kensico Cemetery Visiting hrs Wed 7 Thurs 2 4 7 9 pm RAMAGLIA rederick On May 4 1982 (at his home) 12 Cardinal Dr Poughkeepsie Be loved husband of Estelle (Toc ci) Ramaglia father of rederick Jr 8 Donald of Poughkeepsie Peter of White Plains John of Morgan Hill California Robert of Pennsylvania Rudy of Ana helm California Dear father in law of Helen Linda Also survived by 2 sisters Lillian sem*nza of New Rochelle and Mary Margus of Staten Island 3 brothers Albert Ramaglia of New Rochelle Joseph of Colo rado Springs Samuel of San Diego California Dear Grand father of 23 8 Great grandfa ther of 10 The amily will receive friends at the Geo Davis uneral Home 14 Le Count Place New Rochelle Thurs ri 2 4 7 9 pm Mass of Christian Burial Sat 10 am St Gabriel's Church New Ro chelle Interment ishkill Rural Cemetery ishkill NY SISTO PAINO DIRECTORS REA Gene A of Dobbs erry on May 4 Beloved Husband of rances (La Sala) ather of Maria Hawk rancesca Tere sa and Gina Rea Brother of rancis Rea Grandfather of Sean Michael Hawk Visiting at the EDWARDS UNERAL HOME Dobbs erry 7 9 pm Wed and 2 4 7 9 pm Thurs uneral Mass ri 10 am ST MATTHEWS RC CHURCH Hastings on Hudson NY Inter ment Gate of Heaven Ceme tery In lieu of flowers contributions to the American Cancer Society would be appre ciated RECCHIA Achielle A (Aggie) on May 5 at Veteran's Hospital riends of the family may call at the LUISI 8 COXE UNE RAL HOME 767 Boston Post Rd on Thurs and ri between thehours of 2 4 and 7 9 pm Mass of Christian Burial to be held at St Vito's Church on Sat May 8 at 10:30 am followed by a entombment at St Mary's Cemetery RENNER Caroline on May 4 1982 Beloved wife of the late Daniel Renner Devoted moth er of Daniel Renner une ral Mass riday 10 am at St Ursula's Church Interment Beechwoods Cemetery Repos ing Yannantuono uneral Home Inc Visiting hours 2 5 and 7 9 pm ROSSI elice on Mon May 3 1982 Beloved husband of Ida (Malolini) Rossi bevoted fa ther of Nicholas Rossi Ret Yonkers Police Detective Lov ing brother of Settinlo Giovan ni and Umberto and Domenlca Cherished grandfather of Pau la Marie Rossi The family will be present to receive visitors at the SINATRA UNERAL HOME INC 315 Broadway on Wed and Thurs from 2 4 and 7 9 pm uneral Mass at MTX CARMEL CHURCH on riday at 9:45 am Entombment ern cliff Mausoleum SHOPINSKI Charles of Green wich Conn on May 5 1982 Beloved husband of Ann Holly Shopinski ather of Phyllis Anne Zygmont and Charles Shopinski Jr Brother of Jack and George Shopinski and Mrs Rose Harris 6 grandchildren and several nieces and neph ews also survive uneral serv ices to be held Sat from the Leo Gallagher and Son uneral Home 31 Arch St Greenwich at 9 am and then to Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Port Chester 4 for a Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 am interment St Mary Cemetery Greenwich riends i may call at the uneral Home Thurs evening 7 9 and ri 3 5 and 7 9 pm TORRES Victoria On May 5 1982 Beloved wife of the late Guillermo Devoted mother of Benjamin Victor and Mrs Lu cille Struss Grandmother of 11 and great grandmother of 9 The family will be present to receive visitors at the SINA TRA UNERAL HOME INC 315 South Broadway on Thurs I from 2 4 and 7 9 pm uneral Mass at St Denis Church on riday at 10 am Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery In 1 lieu of flowers contributions to Rosary Hili Home will be great ly appreciated and can be given at the funeral home USOWSKI lorence on May 4 KC2 Visitation at Craft Memo rial Home Inc from 5 9 PM on Wednesday and Thursday uneral Mass at the Corpus Christi Church on riday at 10:00 AM Interment St Mary's Cemetery Rye Town WILSON Sarah (Sally) on May 5 1982 of Larchmont NY Wife of the late Arthur Mother of Joseph Robert and Norman (TMD) Sister of Molly Balco and Jack Lavin also survived by seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren The family will receive friends at the JOHN OX UNERAL HOME INC Larchmont NY on Thursday 7 9 pm and rida 2 4 and 7 9 pm Mass of Chris tian Burial Sts John and Paul Church Saturday 11 am Inter 9 ment St Mary's Cemetery Port Chester NY IN MEMORIAM VALBIRO rnk Happy Birthday in Heaven Always in our thoughts and prayers Mass at Holy Rosary Convent Sisters IK4 4.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.