​​​TNT Conference Call 5.29.15

T: All right, goooood morning, TNT! We are here, we are ready. It’s gonna be a superfantastic day. I better not do that part though, all right. Superfantastic day. Got some good information for you guys, and Winston is not here, guys. Winston is--let me see, how can I put this the right way--is working on a special project this week. Now some of you super-informed people about...about global events would probably figure that out or somethin’ or, or not. Or those who know...his history and background could probably figure out that, or those who don’t just know he is once again doing things that are required to be done and things that are helpful in I believe his life and yours. So anyway, we’ll go from there. I did talk to him. We talked, we discussed the information, but there’s some things that go on in the middle of the day that need to go on in the middle of the day. All right. So this is what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna tell you guys we’re in a super superfantastic situation right now. I’m gonna tell you that the tests all went perfect, that everybody’s still in agreement and that we are simply waiting on a time. So I’m gonna tell you this is not normal everyday weekend hype that you always get on Fridays or people feel like they get, that...most of the people wanted this to occur on a weekend. They wanted it on a holiday weekend, they gave a extra day, so now they have the opportunity for that. Not sayin’ they’re gonna do it, but they have an opportunity for it. And then, well everybody’s lookin’ for somethin’. All right, so let me go on to tell you guys what’s goin’ on here. Banks still have the rates. They’re still there, they’re still the rates we’ve talked about. There is no admin holds on ‘em, there’s no pending on them, they are just waiting to say start your transactions. They’re waitin’ for that authorization, start doing your transactions. Don’t know when it’s gonna come. Managers are still having, security managers are having meetings today, conferences, gettin’ everything ready. Banking personnel are on standby. We’ve had people that the bank already contacted yesterday, this morning, telling them, you know, “I’m doing your transactions in the next 72 hours. I’m gonna process your transaction. We need to do this. Let’s go ahead and count your, your currency, and get ready to go.” So people are receiving those messages. There’s a lot of bank stories in the forum, you guys can see ‘em, and they’re happening more and more each day all day. I mean, I got one person was called from two banks, and they’re both tryin’ to say, “Just come here and do it, right here.” And they both told ‘em, actually they would have it done today. They obviously don’t have it done today, but they did tell ‘em that it will be done by today, and the day isn’t over yet, but.

Here’s a good one that you guys could all look at. Parliament--and it was in the article for people who love articles--was said that they were not going to go out of session until the currency reform has been completed. They weren’t goin’ on a break, not gettin’ a day off, a hour or anything until the currency reform has been completed. They announced this morning that they are going on break Sunday. Sunday they will be going on their break, so take that for what it’s worth, but I liked it, so. This morning you’ll see that CBI approved currency purchases, approved international transaction, and approved currency exchanges for all banks in Iraq. All approved. Approved, approved to process currency exchanges, which was a great thing. Hmmm. So, what you guys really wanna hear is this is free and clear to go at any time. Is there a time? Is there a window of time? Yes, there is, and I’m gonna tell you it’s over the course of this weekend, Monday morning, and that’s a wide window I just gave you, but that should be somethin’ we could all live with. If it happened in the next hour, great. If it happened Sunday night, great, Monday morning. Monday morning’s the 1st of June. They wanted to have it done by the 1st of June. Looks like it’s gonna be done by the 1st of June if not on the 1st of June, but I think it, it’s by. So everybody’s ecstatic. Let me see, they’re sendin’ certain notifications out to people who have the MasterCards, CBI cards, informing them of certain changes that are about to take place, so (inaudible) contact. So it’s really great, guys. I mean, there’s no bad news. I wish, I mean, I don’t wish I had somethin’ bad to tell you, but I just don’t. Everybody is sayin’, “Okay, let’s go, let’s go!” We’re finally at that point where as Ray was tellin’ you guys, train’s comin’ to a stop, those that wanna get off get off, enjoy life, those that wanna go to the next higher plane, just move up one car and let’s go do what we do. So this is a very simple call. There’s nothin’ else to tell you except we’re waiting for the event and it should be in the next 72 hours if not before. Everybody around the globe is preparing at this time, so I don’t think anybody’s upset that I just told you that ‘cause it is out there, and we didn’t shorten the time and we didn’t say anything specific, any day or any hour, anything, just sometime in the next 72 hours this ride is supposed to be over and the party is supposed to begin, and that’s...probably in every country is what they’re being told right now. We still have to wait. That’s not a promise, I mean I can’t tell you it’s guaranteed, but I can tell you that’s what everybody’s gearing up for right now, for this to be over. Okay, so not a lot to say, do, we just have to wait, and that’s what we’ll do, and 408, you have a question?

C: Yeah, I was just wondering if you’re not part of the forum, will the website look to change or will it just, ‘cause it’s pretty much read-only now. Will it look different when you guys change it? How will we know?

T: How will you know that it’s read-only or it has changed.

C: Yeah, if you’re not part of the forum.

T: I don’t know! I should think about that and plan that today. Maybe we’ll have to have a change or put somethin’, some kind of announcement on the front page, “Read-Only Now.” Well, Pam’s gonna have to come up with somethin’, I don’t know, but that was a good question.

C: I appreciate....

T: That was a very good question for everybody who’s not and goes to back, so we’ll have to develop a, a new page here in a hurry. Okay, thanks!

C: Okay, thanks so much.

T: All right, bye. Have a great day! All right.

C: You, too, thank you.

T: All right. So let me say this before I forgot. I got my shirt in the mail yesterday, “Vegas, Vegas, Vegas” from Texas Team, and they’re ready. I think it says “Texas TNT” on the bottom of it, but I wanted to say thank you guys for that shirt. I think I want to order some more of those. I like that. Okay. All right, 252, good morning. I did 252, but I think, oh yeah, 252, are you there? Okay. We’ll go on to the next one. Guys, be on your phone and be ready. 863? 863?

C: Hello?

T: Yep.

C: Hello?

T: Hello!

C: Hello, hello! Can you hear me?

T: Yes, sir, I can!

C: Tony, I’ve got one quick question. First of all, I just want to thank you for everything that you guys do. Wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with the calls weekly, but they sure do help to calm the nerves every once in a while. For the individuals that do not have any of the dinar, are we still expecting the dong to revalue at the same time? There’s all kinds of junk out there as to whether it will or will not.

T: I would tell you guys this. The dinar is on the screens right now. It has a rate on the screens right now, and they plan on processing it with the dinar right now. What everybody’s been trained on and it’s part of the process. So Pam showed me somebody put a article out or somebody else did a call last night tellin’ you guys that the dong is not gonna go for many months, and I will tell you when the dinar goes, the dong is going. That’s the plan, has been the plan. That’s what’s scheduled for right now, today, ‘cause it’s on the screens right now today.

C: I know on the last call we didn’t really talk very much about rates, but are they same neighborhood we’ve been talking about, Tony?

T: They are the same neighborhood, and I’ll tell you on the screen it did have two dollars and something for, for the dong, but DC said he’s really lookin’ for that 47 cent to come up when this thing goes live.

C: Okay. Well that’s a...

T: So either way it goes it...

C: no matter what.

T: ...yeah, it’s better than the nickel when we started with ‘cause, you know, there was idiots out there I’m leavin’ unnamed who didn’t even believe that it could be a nickel without the whole world turning upside down. So here we are. We’re still in good position, okay?

C: All right, Tony, I’ll just, I’ll just say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. And I got one more thing to say about all the haters that call into your call and troll you nonstop and, you know, they’re this motto that I used to live by, and that’s if I’m gettin’ haters, I must be doin’ somethin’ right. And nobody is perfect in this world, and anybody that lives daily just to spew hate, you know, I’m tryin’ to figure out how to figure, to find two or three more haters on me before the day is ended, so don’t let any of that stuff bother you. And as long as they wanna keep comin’ on Twitter, I got somethin’ for ‘em, so keep it up, Tony, I appreciate it.

T: All right, thank you, sir. Have a great day. All right. A’ight. Okay, let’s go to 617, good morning.

C: Hi, Tony.

T: Hi, how are you?

C: I’m very good, thank you. Just a question. You had said before that the Zimbabwe, they were only, they were gonna do a minimum of a hundred. Is that just these banks that, the four top banks, or once this goes through other banks will have it, too? So will they, will they do the fifty trillion?

T: You know what? I mean, I can’t answer ‘cause I don’t know what every bank will do. What I was doin’ and we’re tryin’ to do is give you the guidance that was coming out, what we were being told they were looking to do it in groups of a hundred trillion and get it done. I’m gonna tell you guys this, which I loved, I loved hear, and I absolutely loved hearin’ it ‘cause we affect a whole lotta lives and I know it. When we started this and the Zimbabwe came out, there was less than 2,000 people who had Zimbabwe, less than 2,000, and they really weren’t concerned with the Zimbabwe at all. Okay, whatever, you know, it’s 2,000 out of 350 million that are gonna make a difference. We talked about it, said what kind of a good deal it’s gonna be, great and everything else, and before we knew it, as DC said, this big mouth guy named Tony, you know, tells everything, there was 10,000 people who had Zimbabwe, which I thought was great. That’s 10,000 lives, that’s 8,000 more lives that we changed that are gonna get a minimum of, you know, 11 million dollars, 10 million dollars. That’s a good feeling, to know that we could do that over a phone call. Well this morning we were talkin’, he said the number is just under 25,000, and I’m sayin’ that’s good. Just from our calls we got that many more people involved in it, that many more people getting to change their entire lives and affect some other people. So while some people were set up with it, he said they’re still sayin’ okay. But I will tell you this, too, ‘cause it’s a comment he made to us this morning, “They still think they’re just gonna blow through it in a couple years and be broke anyway.” That’s what they said, so, “It’s only 25,000 of ‘em, they’ll go through 20 million dollars like nothin’.” So let’s make sure that doesn’t happen, okay?

C: Okay. Okay, that was my, my one question. I, I find it hard to believe that a bank would refuse nine million dollars, you know what I mean, it, to go into their bank. It, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

T: Well, you guys gotta realize the banking structure and the limits on banking systems, they may not, every bank may not be even qualified to exchange it for you, and they may say, “We can’t do that ‘cause that’s too much money for that one currency.”

C: Okay.

T: Okay?

C: Okay.

T: But we’ll see what happens! All right, thanks!

C: Okay! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

T: Have a great day!

C: Vegas, Vegas!

T: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! There you go! Okay, thanks. All right. Okay, 310, good morning.

C: Good morning, Tony, how are you doing?

T: Good, how are you?

C: I’m hangin’ in there, I’m hangin’ in there. Quick question. Have you known anyone to, actually have changed any bonds or anything like that?

T: Any bonds?

C: Yeah, the historic bonds.

T: Well, let me think about it, ‘cause so much has happened in five years, I gotta think about this. Anybody, I know people who’ve been contacted about their bonds, who’ve been scheduled about their bonds. I know people who their paymaster said, “We have got the payment but we’re not authorized to distribute it yet.” So I know people outside the country who have called me and told me that their people actually got paid off some bonds, but do I know anybody personally myself? No. Is that good?

C: Yeah, that’s great. And one other question. And the rates are still the same, even though you can look on the screen, right? The rates are still the same for the Zim and the dong?

T: The rates are, are still the, well no, I take it back. The Zim was 19 cent yesterday morning. Yesterday evening they told us it went down to 13 cent, so I don’t know. But before it was 19 it was 22, so we don’t know where it’s gonna end up, but wherever it does, believe me it’s gonna be great, okay? The, the dong I think was still at $2.24, but as I said, some people say it’s gonna come out at 47 cent when it really comes out. But we’ll see what happens, ‘cause $2.24 was actually supposed to be the contract rate, so, and for the longest we were sayin’, “Why does this keep showin’ up ‘cause it’s the contract rate,” and it may very well be, but we’ll see what happens. Okay?

C: Okay. Great, and the only thing I have to say now, you and DC should get together and start y’all own radio show.

T: Believe me, if we start our own radio show it’s gonna be on some beach somewhere smokin’ cigars, havin’ a drink. So if you can see that through the radio, okay. All right, but no, I would love to, but as you guys already know, our NDA is gonna forbid us from being public personalities, I think. I probably shouldn’t have said it that way, but anyway, from talkin’ about the dinar, doin’ a whole lot of things. So we’ll see what happens. All right, thank you, sir! Okay.

C: Okay. Great, thank you.

T: A’ight. Okay, 808, good morning.

C: Oh, my God, is that me?

T: Oh, my God, did you send me any macadamians? Or I’m gonna hang up if you say no, just so you know.

C: I have, I have a box here, because see, the last time, that was when I got your, your address. So I not only have a box of macadamia nuts sitting on my counter to take to the Post Office today, I have some organic white honey that is gonna knock you off your feet.

T: Wooooo!

C: I mean, this is like the...

T: Okay!

C: ...the world’s best honey. I mean literally, it won third place once in the world for honey, so, so you be lookin’ for it. However, I’m gonna go...

T: Wait!

C: I, I, yes? Yes?

T: Wait.

C: Yes.

T: Let’s just stress that this is for Tony, just so Pam and, and DC and Ray know this is for Tony.

C: Well, you know, could I trust you to, if I...

T: No.

C: ...if I package it up separately? If I package it up separately, okay?

T: Well, if you package it up separately, yeah, I’ll just send it right out. But yeah, okay.

C: I’ll even pay the postage. I’ll even pay the postage. You know, would you forward it?

T: Yes, I will send it out if you package it up separately.

C: There you go! Okay.

Pam: You can’t trust him.

T: When it all just comes to me, it just stays with me, just so you guys know, but anyway.

C: All right. All right, this is happening today. Today, I’m also, I, I also was inspired by the earlier comment, you know, with the, the T-shirt from, from the Texas folks. I’m gonna, before I, before I send this, I’m gonna go get you a T-shirt, and it is gonna say Hawaii on it. Why are you all talking about going to Vegas when you could be coming to Hawaii?!

T: Well, if we was just lookin’ to lay around the beach and get drunk and do all that we’d probably go to Hawaii, but we lookin’ to, no, I’m just jokin’, I’m just jokin’.

C: Y’all wanna go and, and, and blow off some money, you know? It’s like no. So anyhow, that, you know, Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii, that’s like, you know, what I’ve got to say. Okay, so anyhow, I wanted to say one thing. It’s like would you please let Pam know I once heard her talk about her Fantastic Foundations project, and I would really love to work on that with her because I anticipate that once I’m not spending so much time on these phone calls and trying to learn about global economy and things like that, that I will have a lot of time and I would love to work on that. So if you’d pass my phone number on to her, if she’d like to get in touch with me I would really enjoy that.

T: Well, why don’t I just, you got a pen? I’ll just give you her phone number, and you can just call her.

C: No, you’re not.

T: But Pam is sayin’, “I know he’s not gonna do that.” That’s right.

C: I know he’s not, too. But I, you know, the, what I have really appreciated, I’ve been in this for six months and, and I got in, you know, just like a little bit thinkin’ this is gonna be enough for me forever, for me and my family, and hearing about, you talk about how to change the world, you know, has just been the most inspiring--aside from learning about global economics which I knew nothing about--you know, the, the thought of all the good that’s gonna come out of this has been just so inspiring. So I, I want to thank you so much, you know, all of you that are doin’ this, you know, for, for the direction that you’re taking in, in, the counsel that you’re giving in that regard and (inaudible).

T: Okay, let me say this real quick, ‘cause....

C: Yeah.

T: And thank you. I thank you for that and I thank you for thinking about it, and I want to say this to all you guys right now so you understand. Me and Pam were talkin’ this morning without DC ‘cause he was in a briefing, but anyway we were talking as we often do, and she said she was talkin’ to daz last night, so I’m gonna tell you guys our whole conversation ‘cause I want you to understand it. And we were talkin’ about all we’ve done and all the sacrifices and everything and the time we’ve spent in this and, and all of that, and, and the beating that we’ve taking in there--and I put a whole lot of people in there--but there’s also something that we’ve gotten out of this, and actually today maybe I want her and Ray to tell you guys before we hang up what they got out of this, going through this. But I want you guys to know it has been a meaningful and inspirational trip for me, from hearing all of you, what it has meant to you, and more importantly what you plan on doing in the future. Because we know even after this is over, I know even after this is over we will still be affecting people’s lives through you, through everybody, us as a team together will be doing it. So somebody suggested this morning, and I know I said pay off their layaways and that, Pam and Ray were talkin’ before I came on the phone about payin’ off somebody’s electric bill, everybody in your county, area, whatever it is, or people who are about to be, be shut off. There’s a bunch of things like that we can do, and you guys are gonna come up with a bunch of things we didn’t even talk about. So I’m gonna ask you to do this, ‘cause this is how we get paid and what it’s been, if every time you come up with an idea like that, every time you write a check like that or a payment and on that receipt you write, you know, “Superfantastic,” I mean, “TNT Superfantas--” somethin’ so when it hits the news, people hear about it, we see it, we’ll know that’s us, and it’ll inspire us to do it again and again and again when we see, hey, people are actually doing this! I mean, we’re still part of the team, and we can go out and affect those lives like that. So that’s what we’ve gotten out of this, the fact that we know. I mean, I, I truly know, when DC did those numbers this morning, you know, again, “Tony, it was only 2,000 people ‘til you said that on the call that day and it started growing, it was 10,000, 25,000.” I’m sayin’, “Shoot, okay then, I, that’s what I got out of it, ‘cause I know those many lives I affected directly.” And that means somethin’ to me anyway, so I want to thank you for what you said, okay?

C: Well thank you, it goes both ways. I had a question, and it, I don’t know if you can answer it, it might be a more, more DC kind of question, but, you know, being here in Hawaii on the big island I, I want to exchange where there’s a De La Rue machine, and I’m willing to travel, so I, I don’t know if there are any in Hawaii anywhere. And if I call an 800 number, do you suppose operators will be directing people to sites that have De La Rue machines?

T: Well, you know what? I would ask, ‘cause...

C: Okay.

T: ...nothin’ beats a failure but a try, okay?

C: Yeah.

T: So at least try...

C: Okay, well....

T: ...and say, “This is what I want, can you put me in one of those locations?” And if you get there, they can’t, tell ‘em to call around and look for one, ‘cause, say, “I wanna go there, I don’t care if I have to drive there. I wanted to go through right then.” So...

C: Okeedoke. Okay.

T: least try and ask them, see what they can do, okay?

C: Okay. And another, I, you know, I totally understand the, you’re not giving me advice or anything, but in your personal opinion, do you think it would be wise to write a gift letter to put my currency into the LLC before I go to the bank, you know, before the exchange? Like does, does an LLC need a gift letter is my question, or can I just walk in there with my LLC and my EIN number and say, “I want this to go into the LLC”? I’m not sure about that.

T: Well, you know what? If you didn’t purchase it under that name I would have some sort of documentation showin’ that, that I did, in fact, put it in there.

C: Okay.

T: That’s just for yourself. That’s just what I would do.

C: Okay.

T: Now legally I don’t know what you have to do, but that’s what I would do.

C: Okay.

T: Okay?

C: Thank you so much.

T: All right, thank you.

C: Blessings. Blessings, blessings, blessings to all of you. Thank you.

T: All right, thanks. Have a great day.

C: You, too. Bye-bye.

T: All right. Oh, guys, this is what I wanted to tell you guys, ‘cause there is a very, very good possibility that this...could be our last call before the call. I mean, very, very good possibility. And we’ve been this close before--well not quite this close, ‘cause we’re on the other side--authorization’s been given. Supposedly the system is now fixed and they tested it, tested it, ran some people through, and it’s working, so now all we’re waiting for is that magical moment when everybody says “Go” once again. So we’re that close to this thing happening in the next 72 hours. But what happens on Monday is something totally different because if we have to do the call today or we have to do it tomorrow and everybody’s starting exchanging and we’re not here on Monday, you guys won’t be able to tell Pam Happy Anniversary ‘cause Monday is her anniversary, so you guys should work diligently on doing that today and tomorrow and lettin’ her know that we appreciate her and please enjoy her anniversary with her new riches and her husband. So, that was the only chance...

Pam: You’re so rotten.

T: ...I could probably get that out. Do what?

Pam: Said you are so rotten.

T: Yeah. You’re not supposed to say nothin’. Anyway. Pam said, “You don’t need to do that.” But anyway. Anyway, thank you, ‘cause we all love you and we know how hard you work, so I want everybody to know that. This may be their only opportunity to tell you that, so. Okay, we’re in Texas. 512!

C: Hello, Tony.

T: Hey, how are you?

C: Doing well. You said Wednesday you wanted to talk from somebody from the area, so I called you in today to let you know it’s, our small town was the one that was the most greatly affected by the flash floods on Saturday night.

T: Where are you at?

C: Just outside of Austin.

T: Oh, okay.

C: On, on, just off the Blanco.

T: Oh. Well, I’m sorry to hear that. I mean, I’m really sorry to hear that, and hopefully all your family members made it through and everything’s okay.

C: No, we’re fine. It, I mean I, our neighborhood really didn’t sustain damage, it’s just this community has, it’s really cool to see what’s happened. The, so many lost so much, and many lost all, but their first concerns were not about what they lost, their first concerns were about the family that, that was swept away. And you’d go to the homes and, and take food to ‘em or take supplies to ‘em, and they’d be sittin’ there in the mud, in the gunk, and tryin’ to work through the trees and the damage, and the first words after they said thank you would be, “Have we heard anything about that family yet?” And so they were, it’s really cool because they were showin’ more concern for some folks from Corpus Cristi that they’ve never met before than they were, than they were about their own homes and their own situation. So it’s really, I mean, this is why I moved to this community so many, or, you know, a few years ago, and it’s just showin’ itself now, and it’s amazing. It’s absolutely amazing.

T: Well I am, I’m glad to hear that, and that’s what happened when tragedy strikes, they usually all band together and, and help each other. And I am hoping on top of hope that this weekend is it and that you guys will be able to share this with a bunch of people who have nothing now, know anything about it, but it will help you rebuild your community, so, lookin’ forward to this, this is an opportune time. And, I mean, I know a bunch of people, and I was actually, DC’s there and I got a couple other people on our intel team, people I knew that actually live in Austin and live in that area, so I know they’re gonna be doing things to help everybody out, so.

C: Yeah, it, it’s....

T: All of us give you our prayers, I’m sure.

C: I appreciate that.

T: Everybody here at TNT, so, okay?

C: I appreciate that. And Pam, just want to wish you a Happy Anniversary, have a great one.

T: All right.

C: I do have, I do have a single question.

T: Okay.

C: And it’s just about reconciling what we’re, what we’re hearing from Kurdistan. Last week we were talking about the, the rate at 88 cents and 86 cents there, that they were using it at that rate, and then here we’re talking about the screen showing, you know, three twenty-two to four twenty, four forty-seven or whatever it is. How do you reconcile that? How, how do you think that’s gonna work itself out?

T: Well, let me give you guys some information that I don’t know if I gave you guys on Wednesday or not. I hope he don’t mind me even sayin’ this, but I’m gonna tell you, you know, I just like to give credit where credit’s due. So Okie called me on Wednesday, I think, Wednesday/Thursday, and said, “Hey, Tony, I got some friends over there, and their cards, their MasterCards, Qi cards, they stopped working! I mean, they had been using ‘em over here in the US just like our people in, you know, buying equipment and gas and clothes and everything else, and they stopped working!” And it was right after our call, so yeah, I think I did tell you guys that morning. So yesterday one of my guys called and said, “Hey, our guy’s card’s not working, and it’s not working,” so I’m not gonna give you guys the details ‘cause he might get upset. Anyway, it’s not working. Well I will tell you that the bank told them why it wasn’t working, what was going on, and when it will be working again, okay? And adjustments will be reflect the current date and time, so.

C: Okay. And that....

T: So I know you understand what I just said. And most people (inaudible)...

C: Yeah. No, I absolutely....

T: ...just said, okay. So we’ll, we’ll see if that’s what happened, but that’s what they just put out to, you know, all their cardholders, people and everything else, so we’ll see what happens!

C: Okay, then. I appreciate that. I wouldn’t, I’m not worried about it either way, but I just, you know, if we’d been sayin’ it was, we were expecting it to be in that, that lower range which would still be fantastic, and we had (inaudible) something different.

T: We are not expecting that at all.

C: Yeah.

T: Not at all.

C: Okay. Okay.

T: Okay? All right.

C: Thank you very much. I would say Austin, Austin, Austin, but since I’m not, I’m hearing everybody yell Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, I’ll just put it this way: Wimberley, Wimberley, Wimberley. So bless you guys, take care.

T: All right, thank you, sir. Okay, let me see this. Okay, Okie’s gettin’ mad at me ‘cause he usually tellin’ me don’t tell people what he says, but I just wanted to give him credit because he did come up with that and tell me that, I think, and our guy verified and got the additional information. And I like Okie and he’s still workin’, he’s still tryin’ to figure this out, so I just really was tryin’ to give him credit for it, that’s all. Okay. 301, good morning.

C: Good morning, how are you, Tony?

T: I am superfantastic, how are you?

C: I’m fine. I’m, I am superfantastic as well.

T: Okay!

C: First of all, I want to...first of all I want to say congratulations Pam on your anniversary. And my question to you, Tony, I know everybody keeps talkin’ about the taxes, but how will we know if we have to pay taxes if the site is not up? How do we chat to see if we payin’ taxes on the currency because you said we may or we may not, so how will we know?

T: I don’t know! Whether the bank tells you, unless the IRS sends you a notification, I don’t know that, you know, they didn’t think that far or didn’t want us to put it out or, you know, the, the site’ll be gone at that point. I don’t know if it’s somethin’ they’re gonna want us to blast out to our database, I mean, and we will if we can help ‘em and get that done, but they just haven’t told us that far in advance. We don’t know if that decision’s even been made to tax it at all! I’m just tryin’ to tell you guys I would be prepared for it ‘cause we just don’t know, but if nobody notifies you go on with life! People have been paid the last two, three years haven’t paid any taxes on it that I know of, and one group that we know are gettin’ paid, the tax is built in at 11%. So they are payin’ a tax. I don’t know what’s gonna happen with the rest of us.

C: Okay. My next question, I was curious, who was the, when you said someone was pulling out on the 1st, who was that?

T: Was pulling out on the 1st?

C: What country was that, yes. You said as of the 1st, I guess one of the countries was....

T: Contractors over in Iraq. And, and they said that before, a year ago, if it wasn’t done they were gonna pull out, but they were just sayin’ that last week. They were tired of messin’ with it and this time they were gonna just pull out and be done with it. So we’ll see what happens.

C: I thought that was the, I thought that was the 15th was Iraq, so it was the 1st with Iraq?

T: The, Iraq wanted it done by the 15th, everybody wanted it done by Ramadan.

C: Okay, I gotcha.

T: They were sayin’ if it wasn’t done by the 1st they were just gonna pull out and companies would start pullin’ out, canceling their contracts. Actually the other information I got was, yeah, all contracts ended on the 1st and they would have to be rewritten and a whole bunch of other things. But let’s say we don’t have to worry about that.

C: Okay, well how, how are we gonna get in contact to say, “Hello, Tony, how are you doin’, hi Pam, hi Ray,” you know, if this is our last call, which we are hoping it is, how do we get in contact? I mean, we’ve been doing this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. How do we get in contact just to say hi if, just in case they say we can’t make it to Vegas, how do ones get in contact with you all just to chitchat, just to say we miss you, how, how’s the family, so on and so forth.

T: Okay. So this is what I’ll do. I’ll just give everybody my email address right now and my phone number so afterwards you guys can just stay in touch with me, is that good?

C: Oh, Tony, you just brought tears to my eyes. Thank you...

T: Wait.

C: much, ‘cause I’m so used to.

T: Wait, wait. Wait! Wait! Don’t do all that, you know I’m jokin’. Hold on for a minute.

C: Oh, Tony! You! Oh, why you playin’ with me?

T: Hold on.

C: Oh, my gosh, I had tears in my eyes. I can’t believe you was gonna do that.

T: Wait, wait. I don’t know what my NDA is gonna say. I mean I should still be able to talk to people, I just can’t talk about personal business and, I mean, I don’t know, it’s, I mean, DC said it went from 33 pages, they added some more pages, and I’m like, “What in the hell else could they add to 33 pages?!” I don’t know! So I, I’m just gonna have to see. But as personal friends and that, I mean my email is out there, some people have it. A bunch of people have my phone number...

C: But I don’t have it.

T: ...because it’s all over the, the internet.

C: So you’re saying that I...

T: But more importantly, hold on, XXXX@XXXX, that email address is not gonna go away. I’m still gonna have the email far as I know, and...we’ll just go from there, ‘cause if I have to have somethin’, I mean, we’ll just look in the email and I’ll, I’ll try and go through it ‘cause Pam’s gonna be too rich and too engaged to be checkin’ that email. So every now and then I’ll try and go through it, okay?

C: But you have, you have to, I mean, you all have to understand that you all are loved and we don’t have to talk about, you know, dinar, TNT, you know, information. We just want to see how you all are doing. So if there’s any way possible, you know, I would appreciate it. And I’m....

T: If there’s any way possible, we will definitely do that, stay in touch, see how everybody has grown, how much they’re livin’ and lovin’ life and everything else. I would absolutely love to do that and see how successful everybody has been, okay?

C: Okay. All right. But I’m gonna say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, take care, and thank you all so much for all the information that you all provided to us, and God bless.

T: All right, thank you.

C: Okay, bye-bye.

T: Oh, wait a minute. That was the wrong email, Pam said. Wait.

C: Huh?

T: Which one was I supposed to give out? Wait. Pam’s gonna give me the right email, she said that was the wrong one, that one doesn’t work.

C: Okay.

T: Hold on for a minute. Pam, somebody made you a anniversary cake already. I’m supposed to forward a picture of it to you.

Pam: Oh, good, I like cake. We have a superfantastic email, Tony. Let me find the address for that. I already have it, I just don’t remember exactly what it was. But I think it’s TNTsuperfantastic@gmail, and that would be perfect.

T: Oh, there you go. TNTsuperfantastic@gmail. Because, guys, the, the superfantastic site is gonna stay up, I think. I mean, anything that says dinar will go away, but anything else we’re doing, the events, that, signups, all that will be on the superfantastic sites. So give the email out again, Pam?

Pam: I’ve gotta double check it, Tony, but I think it’s

C: At gmail.

Pam: (Inaudible), .net, and .info were built to handle the overflow so we wouldn’t be crashing any sites when this happened, and they’re still there, TNTDinar is there, but TNTsuperfantastic@gmail, I think, and I’ll double check it and text you.

T: It will be there, okay?

C: All right, thank you so much, Tony, and Pam and Ray, and even though DC’s not there, him as well. So you all have a fantastic day, and again, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and take care.

T: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! All right, thank you and have a great weekend. Okay. Okay, 732, good morning.

C: Good morning, how are ya? I’ve been trying to get on for a couple weeks now, or actually a month or two.

T: Okay! Well you are here!

C: Yay! I want to say Happy Anniversary to Pam, enjoy your day, and (inaudible, dogs barking). Sorry, I’m going into another (inaudible).

T: Wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait, hold on. There’s a lot of noise in the background there, can you quiet it?

C: Is that better?

T: Yes.

C: Okay, I’m sorry about that. Happy Anniversary to Pam, and I’m gonna be sending some packages to you, and I’ll also wrap ‘em individually so hopefully the others will get them. I do have a question from a lovely lady who’s on, on Twitter, and I’m gonna read it as it was sent to me to ask. It says, “I’d like to know if Tony would share what he has learned about reduction, which he has used to talk about when he was on PTR. Reduction is a program where you are basically erased from the public eye. Athletes, actors, and high-profile people do the same as a matter of security. I have a basic understanding of it, but it’s never been discussed by Tony since he’s been on TNT, and might you be able to discuss that now.”

T: Okay. I will, hold on. Hold on one second. Okay. What I would do, guys, is probably, instead of me goin’ through everything right now is Google that, get you some security people, ask them what they recommend. Over the years what I was tellin’ you guys--wait. Wait, I’m gonna have to mute you out because your dog, or....

C: I’m sorry.

T: That’s okay. Replace your computers, set up separate computers for your, your banking system. Use Post Office boxes. Buy your new property under trusts and foundation names that, that people can’t, you know, know that it’s you and you move into new neighborhoods. Make sure your bank accounts are restricted to your wealth managers or personal bankers only so they don’t go out to all their partners, advertisers, and everything else. Tell ‘em you don’t want any of that to happen with your name, individual tellers can’t see it. Buy your cars, your vehicles, under trust names so you can’t get sued, any accidents, anybody tracing any license plates, I want to see who this person is driving this Bentley, Rolls Royce, Mercedes or, or a Cadillac. They get a trust name vs. your name and your address. So things like that to make yourself virtually invisible is what I look at. But there are people out there who specialize in that, and they can tell you everything to do and actually help you do it, okay? All right, thank you! Okay, now I’ll go to 503, good morning.

C: Morning, Tony, how are you doing?

T: I am superfantastic, how ‘bout you?

C: I’m just about as close as that as I can get. To be at the bank and that, definitely’ll make it better. Couple things. First of all, I’m curious, have you ever seen the movie “What the Bleep”?

T: The movie what?

C: Called “What the Bleep”, “What The Bleep Do You Know”?

T: No. No.

C: I was hoping you did, but for all those that have a hard time not dwelling in the negativity, I’d highly suggest people watch that movie. It’s all about how your, basically your feelings, your thoughts and so forth affect you. Very, very powerful movie for people to watch, but that’s one thing. Secondly, a lady had talked about allergy medicine a long time ago, and I’d asked if that could be posted on the website. I’ve been doing some research, and I found a product called Les Labs and I was wondering if that was the product, ‘cause I haven’t been able to determine what that was that that lady was recommending. Does that sound familiar to you, Les Labs.

T: Last Laugh?

C: No. L-e-s L-a-b-s. Les Labs.

T: Oh. No.

C: Oh, okay. I’d sure like to know what it is, man I’m messing with, (inaudible) with these stupid allergy things all summer long. But anyway, couple questions. One, if this goes like we’re thinking over the weekend, are we still waiting for Iraq, so we’re looking at maybe, you know, later in the week before we get to start doing exchanges, or do you think we’ll go immediately?

T: I think we will go immediately. If it goes I think we will go.

C: Okay. Had another question, but I can’t seem to think what it was right now, so I’ll let you go, and Happy Anniversary, Pam, and thanks again to all the intel providers and the, and the team itself. And probably won’t talk again, hopefully, so goodbye to everyone!

T: All right, thank you, sir!

C: Good luck with your life, and God bless!

T: All right. Okay, guys, I was just gonna do a one-hour call here today, again, since it’s me by myself, but since the so positive and complete, there’s not a whole lot except we’re ready to go and we’re waitin’ for the time to be told to go is basically it. Everybody’s on the same page lookin’ at it, anticipating. There, there is a window, and I’m gonna tell you guys the, the window is the weekend, so that could be, you know, this evening, tonight, Saturday morning, Sunday morning, Sunday evening, sometime Monday is, is what they’re lookin’ at, and it’s from every perspective, really. But in the meantime, there is...I’m gonna send this text about this medication to Pam so she can post it and just put it on the front for, I hear guys askin’ about that, a bunch of you guys, so. Pam can tell you whatever she’s gonna do with it after she reads it real quick. Okay, let me see here. “What odds do I feel that this is going this time?” Well, guys, I think we’re, again, over 90%. Anything could still happen. I would even go over 95% with the different countries and places and everybody that is gearin’ up for it, but that 5% is always the question, even the 1% is always the question. But I will tell you the authorization has been given all the way through. That’s what was different about this week, the problem was in the system. Now the system has been fixed, tested, run through, everything else, and people say, “Okay, now we’re ready to go, let’s just determine when we’re going to go.” And that’s what makes this one different, so. “What about the Zim?” Didn’t we talk about the Zim already? We talked about the rate, it’s there, it’s gonna go. As far as what date it runs out on, I can’t even remember what date it was supposed to run out on, but when they first made the announcement, I think it was like 30 days or 45 days, it was the middle of June or somethin’, and I said, because they think it’s supposed to be over by then! Which they absolutely do, say, “Shoot, it’ll be over!” So whatever that date was, if you don’t see a change, then the smart thing to be is soon as you hear this is live is go exchange your Zim, ‘cause I mean if you don’t really remember what that date was, I don’t, and if you’re sure you wanna get in there and at least do that, I would just do that. And I’m not really worried about making every penny, nickel and dime that I can, I’m worried about getting what I can out the door and making sure my money makes money. Making sure that I make good investment, good decisions after that to make sure my money is making money. Not how fast I can spend my money, but how fast I can put it in a position where it will make money that I can live off of forever. That should be your goal. That should be your goal with the foundation, let’s get that started, put it in there, so I can take advantage of that forever before I spend it all. You should right now this moment already have a plan of how you’re going to live for the next four or five years to protect your money! I don’t mean how this car is, that, where you’re gonna live, everything else, but this is what I need my money to do so I can live comfortably and not use my base of income, not use that foundation. Again, I want to spend my money’s money, not my money. I cannot stress that enough. Okay, Pam, how are you feelin’?

Pam: I think that was amazing. Never touch the golden egg. Never, never, never touch the golden egg. And I’ve learned right along with you guys from Tony and DC and all of you the same thing we all have, that you guys are amazing, that you’ve got the biggest heart in the world and that you want to change the way things are, and you guys can be the change! You know how to do it. But like Ray told you, make sure you build your foundation first. (Before the recording started, Ray mentioned to Pam that we should have our Foundations set up BEFORE we give money to help others because if WE DONATE TO THE FOUNDATION, then the Foundation makes charitable donations as it was designed to do for optimal tax advantages! So make sure that you put your oxygen mask on before you help others with theirs!)

T: Okay, Ray?

Ray: Hey, all has been said, so folks, continue to enjoy this Fantabulous Friday, and hopefully maybe we’re finally gonna see it this weekend!

T: Oh, not Finally-Gonna-See-It Friday? Finally gonna see it this weekend? Okay.

Pam: I vote for Friday.

T: Me, too. Believe me, if my vote counted, that’s what I’d vote for. So, all right everybody. Enjoy yourself, but you know what? And I’ve said it enough, you should be ready. Nobody should be having to get ready at this point. You should be ready. You should have your top ten things, you should have your plan. You should be ready to go out the bank, know exactly where your gift letters are, who you’re giving what to based on the rates that we’ve given you. That should be done so you just don’t go crazy when you get that tweet or the call and we say, “Hey, we’re ready to do this.” Take time to do it! Talk to anybody you need to talk to. That’s what you should be doin’ right now this afternoon! Okay? With that, I’m gonna say enjoy the rest of your day. It’s my goal and wish to definitely talk and have a conversation this weekend and see if we can get this party started. So thank you everybody. Thank you Pam, Ray.



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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.