Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (2024)


Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023

Python's robust visualization ecosystem means users have numerous libraries at their disposal. While this offers flexibility, it's crucial to understand each library's strengths and limitations. Let's delve deeper into the new trending of the top 10 data visualizatio Python libraries in 2023.

The ranking is based on the stars received by the library's github repo in 2023. The more stars it received, the higher it ranks.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (1)

No. 1 PyGWalker

Stars received by kanaries/pygwalker since 2023: 7486

The most popular data visualization python library in 2023. It turns your dataframe into a interactive data exploration app like tableau/powerBI with one line of code.Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (2) (opens in a new tab)It provides simple drag-and-drop/chat interface for you to build charts.It can run in juypter notebook, which means you do not need to switch between your code and the visualization app.Besides, you can also build interative spitial visualization on maps with it.Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (3) (opens in a new tab)And it also have Javascript and R version.

  • Pros: Interactive data exploration app with one line of code; drag-and-drop/chat interface; interactive spitial visualization on maps.
  • Cons: Not very flexible to customizable styles;

Github: (opens in a new tab)

No. 2 Matplotlib

Stars received by matplotlib/matplotlib since 2023: 1821

Matplotlib is a very tradictional data visualization library in Python published in 2003. It is the foundation of many other libraries, such as seaborn, pygal, and so on.It is very flexible and customizable, but it is also very verbose and not very efficient, which usually requires extensive code for simple visualizations.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (4)

  • Pros: Foundation for many other libraries; highly customizable.
  • Cons: Steeper learning curve; can require extensive code for simple visualizations; aesthetics might seem outdated.

Github: (opens in a new tab)

No. 3 Plotly

Stars received by plotly/ since 2023: 1705

Plotly is also a multi-platform data visualization library like pygwalker. Plotly's company also build Dash, which can turn your plotly charts code into a web app like a dashboard.

  • Pros: Delivers interactive, web-ready visualizations; can be published as data apps with dash.
  • Cons: Online mode requires an internet connection; the free version has limitations on the number of plots and public visibility.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (5)

Github: (opens in a new tab)

No. 4 Bokeh

Stars received by bokeh/bokeh since 2023: 1126

Bokeh is created by Anaconda, which is a very famous company in data science world. published date: 2013

  • Pros: Built for interactive web visualizations; handles large datasets efficiently.
  • Cons: Syntax may seem unfamiliar to Matplotlib users; more tailored to web applications than static plots.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (6)

Github: (opens in a new tab)

No. 5 Seaborn

Stars received by mwaskom/seaborn since 2023: 1111

Seaborn is is build based on matplotlib, which means it benefits from the flexibility of matplotlib, but also inherits the verbosity of matplotlib.

  • Pros: Built on Matplotlib with enhanced aesthetics; efficient for statistical plots.
  • Cons: Less customizable than Matplotlib; might not be suitable for advanced or non-statistical plots.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (7)

Github: (opens in a new tab)

No. 6 pyecharts

Stars received by pyecharts/pyecharts since 2023: 1015

pyecharts is the python binding of the famous data visualization library apache/echarts in Javascript.

  • Pros: support a wide range of chart types, even 3D and webGL.
  • Cons: complex options config.

Github: (opens in a new tab)

No. 7 Altair

Stars received by altair-viz/altair since 2023: 604

Altair is build based on vega-lite, which is a very famaous data visualization library in Javascript and academic world of visualization. It benefits almost all the advantages of vega-lite, such as declarative approach, web-ready outputs, and so on.The most important advatage is its declarative specification of interaction, which according to vega-lite's paper, as the grammar of interactive graphics.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (8)

  • Pros: Declarative approach simplifies code; generates web-ready outputs. More intuitive operators for making graphics.
  • Cons: Due to vega-lite, there is a limit of customization/chart types. Making complex charts might require user to design complex signal flows.

Github: Altair (opens in a new tab)

No. 8 plotnine

Stars received by has2k1/plotnine since 2023: 323

plotnine is designed based on the the grammar of graphics, which is a very famous theory in the academic world of visualization. The theory is also the foundation of ggplot2 in R.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (9)

Github: (opens in a new tab)

No. 9 Holoviews

Stars received by holoviz/holoviews since 2023: 169

Holoviews is build based on bokeh, which means it benefits from the efficiency of bokeh, but also inherits the unfamiliar syntax of bokeh.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (10)

Github: (opens in a new tab)

No. 10 vispy

Stars received by vispy/vispy since 2023: 154

vispy is targeted at users who are interested in OpenGL. It provides some low-level APIs for users to build more flexible and customizable graphics.

Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (11)

Github: (opens in a new tab)


In 2023, Python's data visualization landscape is rich and varied, with PyGWalker (opens in a new tab) leading the charge towards intuitive, interactive exploration tools. While traditional powerhouses like Matplotlib remain relevant, there's a notable shift towards web-ready and interactive visualizations, as seen with Plotly and Bokeh. The diversity in this top 10 list indicates that the ideal library hinges on project specifics and personal preference.

Key Takeaways:

  1. PyGWalker's rise signifies the demand for user-friendly, interactive data tools.
  2. Web-ready visualizations are gaining traction.
  3. Traditional libraries like Matplotlib still hold importance due to their flexibility.
  4. The right choice depends on project needs and desired customization.
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Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023 (2024)


Top 10 growing data visualization libraries in Python in 2023? ›

№1 PyGWalker. The most popular data visualization python library in 2023. It turns your dataframe into a interactive data exploration app like tableau/powerBI with one line of code. It provides simple drag-and-drop/chat interface for you to build charts.

What is the best plotting library in Python 2023? ›

№1 PyGWalker. The most popular data visualization python library in 2023. It turns your dataframe into a interactive data exploration app like tableau/powerBI with one line of code. It provides simple drag-and-drop/chat interface for you to build charts.

What are the new Python libraries 2023? ›

The five libraries to look out for in 2023 are Hugging Face for Natural Language Processing, Streamlit for Web Development, Optuna for Hyperparameter tuning, Pytest for testing automation, and Py03 to integrate the Rust programming language.

What is the future of data Visualisation? ›

The future of data visualization is exciting and promising. As data continues to grow in volume and complexity, the need for effective data visualization becomes paramount. The trends discussed in this article, from interactive visualization to AI-powered automation, are shaping the way we analyze and present data.

Is Plotly better than Matplotlib? ›

Plotly indeed implements the same features, but Matplotlib offers colors from other plotting software like Tableau. Besides, passing colors and palettes in Matplotlib make less of a mess. In Plotly, there are no less than six arguments dealing with different palettes.


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