You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 2, 2024

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Choose the right type of infographic


Use your brand colors and fonts


Simplify and prioritize your data


Tell a compelling story


Test and optimize your infographics


Here’s what else to consider

Infographics are powerful tools to communicate your brand strategy visually and effectively. They can help you showcase your value proposition, your target audience, your competitive advantage, and your goals and metrics. But creating infographics that stand out and capture attention is not easy. You need to balance design, data, and storytelling in a way that aligns with your brand identity and voice. In this article, you'll learn some tips and best practices to create infographics that boost your brand strategy.

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  • Amal Zeidan, CDMP, CDMS-S Group Marketing Manager | Marketing Passionate | Certified Digital Marketing Professional

    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (3) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (4) 21

  • You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (6) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (7) 15

  • Howie Chan Influencing human behavior and self-mastery. I believe we can all live our versions of legendary 🤘🏽

    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (9) 9

You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (10) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (11) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (12)

1 Choose the right type of infographic

Not all infographics are created equal. Depending on your purpose and message, you need to choose the type of infographic that suits your needs. For example, if you want to explain a process or a timeline, you can use a flowchart or a roadmap infographic. If you want to compare and contrast different options or scenarios, you can use a comparison or a pros and cons infographic. If you want to highlight key facts and figures, you can use a statistical or a data-driven infographic. And if you want to tell a story or a narrative, you can use a storytelling or a hero's journey infographic.

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  • Shephali Jaiswal Marketing Manager @ Virtual SEO Expert | Sales Promotion, Web 2.0, Presales
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    To create standout infographics for your brand strategy, focus on a clear purpose and message. Maintain visual consistency aligned with your brand, invest in eye-catching design, establish a hierarchy of information, and simplify complex data. Infuse storytelling elements, use custom illustrations, embrace white space, and include branded elements. Ensure mobile-friendly design, consider interactive features, test and iterate based on feedback, optimize for social media, and include a clear call-to-action. These strategies enhance engagement and make your infographics more memorable and effective.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (21) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (22) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (23) 8

  • Avi Kapoor Transforming Brands Digitally: 80+ Brand Stories | Penultimate MBA Candidate at RMIT University | Ex-Milkbasket | Ex-Blinkit
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    Selecting the appropriate type of infographic is the first step in making them stand out. Consider the nature of your brand strategy and the information you want to convey. Whether it's a timeline, comparison, flowchart, or data-driven infographic, align the format with the content for maximum impact. The chosen type should effectively communicate your brand's message and resonate with your target audience.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (32) 5

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    When creating an infographic, selecting the appropriate type that best suits the intended audience, presentation context, purpose, and time invested is crucial. Carefully considering these factors can help create a more focused and effective visual communication plan. Take the time to review these elements, and you will be better prepared to make a powerful infographic that meets your specific needs.Pick of the right style to match your need.1) Flowchart or roadmap2) Comparison or pros and cons3) Statistical or data-driven4) Storytelling or hero's journey


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (41) 4

  • Anna Khomenko fCMO x Smart Consumer Tech Brands
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    Check out Figma's FigJam templates. They offer quite a broad variety depending on your need: brainstorm, planning session, standups, customer journey, etcAll templates are customizable, making it super easy to adjust to your specific use case.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (50) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (51) 3

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    Start by selecting the infographic type that best fits the information you want to convey. Whether it’s a statistical, informational, timeline, process, or comparison infographic, choosing the right format is crucial for effectively communicating your message.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (60) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (61) 2


2 Use your brand colors and fonts

One of the easiest ways to make your infographics stand out and reinforce your brand identity is to use your brand colors and fonts consistently. This will help you create a visual harmony and a recognizable style across your infographics. You can also use your logo, icons, and images that reflect your brand personality and values. However, don't overdo it. You don't want your infographics to look too busy or cluttered. Use white space and contrast to create a clear hierarchy and focus.

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    Keep your identity consistent.What your audience sees helps them remember you.If you keep changing up your colors and design style, you'll never give that audience a chance at immediately associating certain colors with you.

  • Bratin Das Bridging 🧠Psychology and Design in the AI Realm | 🎨Branding, UX, UI Designer |🚀 Entrepreneurship in Stealth | 💻Computer Science Engineering
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    Consistency of colors in your infographics is imperative, but ensure that their ethos matches the brand's core identity.A vibrant brand can have infographics with multiple colours.If your brand has gradients then use it in infographics too.If your brand has a restrained palette, then use monochrome infographics.Tailor them as per the brand's positioning and core identity.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (80) 3

  • Anna Khomenko fCMO x Smart Consumer Tech Brands
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    Colors and fonts are big part of your branding. It's what makes your brand recognizable by others whenever they come across your brand materials. Obviously, no need to over do it, but if say you have some bright color in your guidelines, make it an accent color in your brand deck, highlighting a key message or adding a design element with it.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (89) 2

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    Incorporate your brand’s color scheme and fonts into your infographics. This not only ensures consistency across your brand materials but also helps in reinforcing brand recognition. However, ensure the colors and fonts enhance readability and clarity.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (98) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (99) 2

  • Avi Kapoor Transforming Brands Digitally: 80+ Brand Stories | Penultimate MBA Candidate at RMIT University | Ex-Milkbasket | Ex-Blinkit
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    Infuse your brand identity into the infographics by using your brand colors and fonts. Consistent visual elements enhance brand recognition and create a cohesive look. Ensure that the color palette aligns with your brand guidelines, and choose fonts that are easy to read and reflect your brand's tone. This reinforces your brand presence and helps your infographics stand out as uniquely yours.


3 Simplify and prioritize your data

Infographics are meant to simplify complex information and make it easier to understand and remember. Therefore, you need to be selective and prioritize the most important and relevant data for your audience. Don't try to cram too much information or details into your infographics. Use charts, graphs, tables, and diagrams to visualize your data in a clear and concise way. Use labels, captions, and headings to explain your data and provide context. And use numbers, percentages, and ratios to highlight key takeaways and insights.

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  • Anna Khomenko fCMO x Smart Consumer Tech Brands
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    Remember the rule of THREE. Your audience is likely to remember only three aspects of your presentation, same applies to a single slide.Don't jam it all in. Just look at your own behavior when you skim through the slides or websites. Try to minimize the amount of text and highlight only what's truly important and makes a difference.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (116) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (117) 3

  • Bratin Das Bridging 🧠Psychology and Design in the AI Realm | 🎨Branding, UX, UI Designer |🚀 Entrepreneurship in Stealth | 💻Computer Science Engineering
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    Infographics is meant to convey information in a condensed fashion, so focus on delivering that first.Before, trying to embellish the work, ensure that the infographics carry all the necessary information while being simple to comprehend.Some tips--># Use 5 instead of 'five'.# Use brand Identity's accent color to draw attention to the main info.# Use clearly differentiated labels.# Tables, graphs and charts should have minimal colors to avoid visual tension.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (126) 3

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    Focus on simplifying the information. Highlight key data points and prioritize the most important information you want your audience to take away. Use bullet points, numbered lists, or icons to break down complex data into digestible chunks.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (135) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (136) 3

  • Emir Ramic Head of Marketing @ I Design I WE 💙 LABELS


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    It's time to use my favorite, most overused cliché: "Less is more." And it really is when it comes to your infographic content. Make it simple, use less text, highlight only what matters, use bullet points, combine with icons, and create a digestible flow through your infographics. Avoid any excessive text or pictures that just serve as decoration. Keep it as simple and concise as possible.

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    In the realm of brand growth, infographics serve as a bridge between data complexity and audience comprehension. They are not just tools for visual appeal but are strategic in distilling and conveying the essence of your brand's message. By prioritizing data, we align with the philosophical notion that less is more, ensuring that every element serves a purpose in the narrative of the brand. This approach resonates deeply in social media marketing, where attention spans are limited and the competition for engagement is fierce. As a brand strategist, I advocate for the meticulous curation of content that speaks directly to the core of the audience's interests and needs, fostering memorable and impactful connections.


4 Tell a compelling story

Infographics are not just about presenting data. They are also about telling a story that engages and persuades your audience. You need to have a clear structure and a logical flow for your infographics. Start with a catchy title and a hook that grabs attention and sparks curiosity. Then, introduce your problem or challenge and explain why it matters. Next, present your solution or offer and show how it benefits your audience. Finally, end with a call to action or a question that invites action or feedback.

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  • Anna Khomenko fCMO x Smart Consumer Tech Brands
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    Think what is it that you want your readers to remember. Focus on that and trim down the rest. Often you want to start with the problem you are solving, put in a way that resonates with your reader. This way they can better relate to the problem and better understand the solution you are offering. You want to end with the call to action: now that they read your doc or slides, what is it that you want them to do with it?


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (161) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (162) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (163) 3

  • Prashant Borse
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    Here is Apple example how it leveraged the data to create compelling stories Apple is known for its secrecy be it product or cash reserve. Here are few ways to create compelling story with raw data 1) Apple company worth over $ 400 billion dollar; if bills laid flat would cover 42% of United States 2) The reserve is enough to pay off public debt of 8 countries in EU It helps to creat the excitement & mystery around the brand & company.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (172) 3

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    Infographics should tell a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an engaging introduction, follow with the body of data or information, and conclude with a strong, memorable message. This narrative approach helps to engage viewers and makes the information more memorable.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (181) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (182) 2

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    In the digital marketing landscape, infographics serve as a visual handshake between a brand and its audience. The storytelling aspect is crucial; it's not just about showcasing data but about weaving a narrative that resonates with the viewer's needs and aspirations. As a seasoned brand strategist, I've seen infographics act as catalysts for brand growth, particularly when they encapsulate the essence of a startup's vision and mission. They should be a harmonious blend of data, design, and strategic storytelling, tailored to spark conversations and drive engagement on social media platforms.

  • Giorgi Khoshtaria Senior Marketing Specialist @Exadel | Brand Leadership, Global Marketing
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    Infographics are effective tools for telling stories. Write an engaging story with a logical flow and a clear framework. Start with a compelling headline and hook. Describe the issue and highlight its importance. As you present your solution, emphasize the advantages for the audience. Finish with a thought-provoking question or a call to action to promote participation and feedback. Adding a compelling narrative to your infographics increases audience engagement and persuasiveness.


5 Test and optimize your infographics

Before you publish or share your infographics, you need to test and optimize them for different platforms and devices. You need to make sure that your infographics are readable, responsive, and accessible. You can use tools like Canva, Piktochart, or Infogram to create and edit your infographics online. You can also use tools like Google Analytics, Hotjar, or Crazy Egg to track and analyze how your infographics perform and how your audience interacts with them. You can then use this data to improve your infographics and your brand strategy.

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  • Anna Khomenko fCMO x Smart Consumer Tech Brands
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    If there is a way to see and analyze how viewers interact with your infographics, by all means do set it up and review/improve over time. If it's your brand or pitch deck, my advice would be to show it to 3-4 experienced peers for feedback and proofreading. Often when we work on something for a long time, we tend to miss out on small details, and it does make a difference when you see a typo or a number that just doesn't add up.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (207) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (208) 4

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    In the digital marketing landscape, infographics are a powerful tool for brand growth, especially when optimized for performance and engagement. Testing on different platforms ensures that your visual content maintains its integrity and effectiveness across various devices, which is crucial for a consistent brand experience. Utilizing analytics tools for performance tracking is a strategic move; it allows for data-driven decisions that can refine your brand strategy, leading to more targeted and successful campaigns. As a brand strategist, I emphasize the importance of a responsive and accessible design in infographics to maximize reach and impact on social media and other digital channels.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (217) 3

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    Before finalizing, gather feedback on your infographics from colleagues or a segment of your target audience. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments. Testing different designs and layouts can help you understand what resonates best with your audience.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (226) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (227) 2

  • Giorgi Khoshtaria Senior Marketing Specialist @Exadel | Brand Leadership, Global Marketing
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    Test and optimize your infographics to make sure they work on a variety of platforms and devices. Give accessibility, responsiveness, and readability top priority. Editing and creation are made easier by online resources like Canva, Piktochart, and Infogram. Use analytics programs like Hotjar and Google Analytics to monitor audience engagement and performance. Make use of collected data to better your infographics and overall marketing strategy over time.


6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Amal Zeidan, CDMP, CDMS-S Group Marketing Manager | Marketing Passionate | Certified Digital Marketing Professional
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    Aim for simplicity in infographics, streamline your content to convey key messages succinctly. Optimize readability across devices by choosing a responsive design that adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring a positive user experience. Incorporate engaging visuals such as icons, charts, and illustrations to make information visually compelling. Striking a balance between simplicity, readability, and visual appeal enhances the effectiveness of your infographic, making it more accessible and memorable to your audience


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (244) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (245) 21

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    Infographics are great to give people more of a visual representation about your brand. It must follow your brand guidelines and have a clear and concise message that is easy to follow and understand. Even better if you incorporate storytelling elements to capture more of your audience's attention.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (254) You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (255) 15

  • Howie Chan Influencing human behavior and self-mastery. I believe we can all live our versions of legendary 🤘🏽
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    What is the main message you want to convey? What is the best way to convey it?Visual metaphor? Charts and graphs?Steps and pillars?Nail down your headline and copy.Boom.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (264) 9

  • Avi Kapoor Transforming Brands Digitally: 80+ Brand Stories | Penultimate MBA Candidate at RMIT University | Ex-Milkbasket | Ex-Blinkit
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    Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensure your infographics are easily viewable on various devices, especially on mobile, to reach a broader audience.Distribution Strategy: Plan how and where you'll share your infographics to maximize their reach and impact.Brand Consistency: Maintain consistency across all brand collateral, reinforcing the same visual elements in infographics as in other marketing materials.Accessibility: Design infographics with accessibility in mind, ensuring they are usable by individuals with disabilities.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (273) 5

  • Arianna Carmen Rose 🌹 I Build Badass Brands for 1-3 Person Businesses
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    Tell a story! Use a hook. Everyday, conversational language. And make sure someone can understand it in 5 seconds or less. Don’t make them think.


    You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (282) 4


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You're struggling to create infographics for your brand strategy. How can you make them stand out? (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.